I like to make things. These are some of the things I've made.


Software Engineer

Prototyping App

From February to July 2014 I have been working on an interactive prototyping tool for iPad and iPhone that allows users to quickly visualize and communicate ideas for user interface animations and interactivity without writing any code. The app uses static images that have been created with Photoshop or any other image editor. The project isn’t complete (and is more of a prototype than an app at this point).


Castaway is a podcast app that I worked on in the winter/spring of 2013. The app can search for new podcasts, automatically download episodes, and playback both audio and video. I reached the beta testing phase of development before I was hired by Automattic. Upon being hired, development was indefinitely paused.

Simplenote Relaunch

I’ve been lucky enough to help with the relaunch of Simplenote across iOS, OS X, Android, and the web. I led iOS development as well as contributed to the design across all apps.


Making for mobile.


I worked with the awesome guys at Everest on elements of the app’s design and interface as well as the website and some other materials. Check out the app in the App Store.


I really wanted to learn iOS development, so I dove in head first and decided to make a blogging app for iPad. What followed was 3-4 months of head banging, hair pulling, pure awesomeness. I designed the entire interface, wrote all the code, and created every single pixel you see on the screen. This definitely wasn’t the typical “first” project I normally take on when learning something new. Poster was acquired by Automattic in June 2013 and is no longer available for purchase.


VIVACE is a marine renewable energy device that I contributed to while at university.


It’s my website.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.