Cop Haters- Listen up!

Posted on March 3, 2013 by Robert

I’ve been reading a lot of posts lately. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I just shake my head and move on. I’m not interested in a pissing match over who’s a patriot and who isn’t. I’m just going to point out a few truths.

The 2nd amendment fight we’re in involves ALL Americans. Your average cop is an American just like you and I. Your average cop has a family and friends just like we do. Your average cop is a working man, just like you or I…

A cop on the street isn’t the least bit concerned what you have in your closet/safe/under your pillow or whatever. The average cop isn’t concerned with you at all as long as you are not a danger to others. A cop has the same rights as you do, he can ask questions of you just like you can ask questions of people you see on the street. The difference is a cops badge gives them a right to expect an answer whereas you may get punched in the face for asking.

A cop isn’t going to arbitrarily pick your house for a search and seizure. That order must come from above. The order that says COPS MAY ENTER YOUR RESIDENCE comes from a judge. The cops that will execute that order have very little say so in it. IF the warrant says “Extremely dangerous and Armed” it’s pretty likely that you will see heavy armor outside your door. But the cops executing the warrant can’t question it at the time any more than YOU the target can.

This is why I don’t subscribe to the “Cops are bad” philosophy. Judges issue warrants based on info obtained by detectives/CI’s and or whatever “Legal” way is relevant. IF the warrant was signed based on ILLEGAL means, odds are you never make it to court. A cop has as much chance of arguing the validity of a warrant before being dispatched to serve it as you do when the knock comes. Your average cop has to trust the system that is in place and must execute the warrant with his safety first and foremost. AS WOULD ANYONE!

I would also like to remind the “Cop haters” that a very large portion of cops are preppers in the truest form. They see the STUPID every day and they see exactly what this society is headed towards. The COPS you hate now should the shit truly hit the fan may be your best ally.

All that said, I don’t expect that the cop haters would read this and change their opinions, but I had to try.

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22 Responses to Cop Haters- Listen up!

  1. spacer Sarthurk says:
    March 3, 2013 at 3:34 pm

    Yanno, I don’t hate cops. I hate despise bullies who hide behind a badge. I’ve spent the better part of my 56 years dealing with these assholes. Surprisingly, I’ve never been arrested, but that’s because I’m smarter than them. One reason cops are stupid is because criminals are even dumber, so those idiots at least have a chance at being able to do their jobs. The problem is that their badge gives them a false sense that they are superior to the average citizen. I won’t even start with the numerous encounters I’ve had with stupid cops. I’ve even helped ‘em out when they couldn’t figure out the obvious for themselves. Not anymore.
    If a state of martial law ensues due to whatever, (I fear an earthquake and Tsunami where I’m at), I will post a sign on my property warning anyone including LEO’s, to stay away if they want to live. The shit that happened in New Orleans isn’t going to happen here.
    I knew only one cop who I considered a friend, but he got blowed up by a bomb that a stupid cop told him was inert. They both went to hell for that.

    I listened up. I’m not impressed.

  2. spacer TexasFred says:
    March 3, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    Did that little Cop Hating PRICK in Central Cali piss you off buddy??

  3. spacer john says:
    March 3, 2013 at 7:34 pm

    For the most part I agree, but for those OTHER types of cops out there there will be a day when saying I was just following orders won’t be an excuse.

  4. spacer Robert says:
    March 4, 2013 at 4:35 am

    Fred, Nope. It was actually someone else.

    John, Yep, there will be exceptions I have no doubt. But as the nation is at this time. Cops who serve warrants are only privy to one side of the issue. The best thing to do NOW is to fight it in court rather than on your doorstep. Blaming the cops who serve the warrant is very misguided. The issuer of the warrant is the problem.

    • spacer TexasFred says:
      March 4, 2013 at 11:04 am

      And Warrants Service is a very necessary part of government and the judicial process…

      Following orders, LAWFUL orders, is what makes the military and Police work CORRECTLY.. Anarchists and those III% morons hate cops just because, simply for doing their jobs… Some folks need to pull their heads OUT of their asses; at least 75% of ALL Cops will stand WITH us if Obama ever totally loses it..

      That other 25%? Well, they are the enemy… And yes, I WOULD… So don’t even ask… And I know many other Officers, present and retired, that would too…

  5. spacer John says:
    March 4, 2013 at 2:31 pm

    I think now it is premature to be thinking about any resistance to the police. However, it seems weekly you see a new video, or hear a new story about police abusing their authority. Of brutalizing normal citizens for minor infractions. And if the current hysteria on the left on gun control becomes law, what do you do when they come to your doorstep? I have been pro police my entire life, and have many in my own family who are in law enforcement, all of whom are good people I believe, but what happens when they start enforcing tyranical laws? A lot of people believe that the police no longer protect and serve the people, that they are nothing but the enforcement arm of corrupt and tyrannical governments. Personally my hope is that when the SHTF, that the police remember their oaths and take the side of the people. I think some will, but I believe most of the big city police departments will take the side of the government. Lets just hope it never comes to that, but don’t count on it.

    • spacer Robert says:
      March 4, 2013 at 7:42 pm

      Well John to each is own, All I’m trying to do is bring a little reality to the discussion. It seems more and more folks are finding reasons to hate cops without anything other than hearsay.

      I don’t think you are hearing any more abuses of power than there has always been. Technology is a great thing. Those who abuse power may be out of a job very soon because of it. The fact is you can’t lump all the cops into one bunch because of one cop. That’s as bad as the folks trying to ban guns because of a few dumbass’s.

      • spacer TexasFred says:
        March 5, 2013 at 11:18 am

        Rob, trying to change the ideas expressed above is like talking common sense to an Alex Jones or Ron Paul follower…

  6. spacer TexasFred says:
    March 5, 2013 at 3:59 pm

    Nearly 1 in 3 state sheriff groups now oppose Obama gun controls

    I am in touch, on a daily basis, with Officers all over America, and by far, at least 75% of ALL Officers, local, county, state and federal ALL say, they will NOT obey illegal orders and ANY order in violation of the 2A is an ILLEGAL order…

    John, I’m not saying you are a Police Hater but you’re really working off of some seriously skewed information.. Does it matter? Not really, you’re one guy, and you’re damned sure not in ANY majority, but when someone like you brings BS to the pages of a blog like this, I have got to challenge you…

    • spacer Robert says:
      March 5, 2013 at 7:49 pm

      Well Fred, I tried. Some folks don’t get it. Some do. I will not insult or threaten folks who I know I have to call should I need assistance. That’s not real bright in my opinion. All these cop haters will call the cops first thing should trouble arise. Not saying they can’t handle themselves, but wise men know the law and will follow it. Fools will blame the enforcement without knowing the person behind the badge…

      I’m not trusting every cop I see, nor do I trust the clerk at 7-11 or the shoe salesman at first contact. Eyes are open and in this day and time it’s best to be cautious. But don’t let that make you an asshole.

  7. spacer John says:
    March 7, 2013 at 1:02 pm

    No Fred, definatley not a cop hater, but not a badge polisher either.

    • spacer TexasFred says:
      March 7, 2013 at 6:22 pm

      Obviously you never wore one either, if you had you wouldn’t throw VERY intentional insults… GO FUCK YOURSELF..

    • spacer Robert says:
      March 7, 2013 at 7:34 pm

      Not sure a badge polisher is a good way to describe someone who doesn’t see all cops as the bad guys based on the actions of a few WHO WERE ALSO PUNISHED for their transgressions..

      John, This is why you anti-cop folks get a bad rap. This conversation was pretty civil until that little insult.

  8. spacer Obrien Jamas says:
    March 10, 2013 at 4:15 am

    The obamameter link you have posted looks like bs… when you go to the link it makes Obama look like a saint and shows conservatives as breaking promises. While conservative republicans can’t really be trusted either, showing Obama as having broken no promises can only come from a liberal slant.

    • spacer Robert says:
      March 11, 2013 at 7:26 pm

      Thanks for the info Obrien. Although I’d sure like to know why “Conservative Republicans can’t be trusted”.. When a person tells me they are conservatives, they move up on the trust list. When they tell me they are liberal democrats I watch my wallet, guard my soda and finger my trigger…

  9. spacer John says:
    March 14, 2013 at 12:33 pm

    I have been civil Robert, just because I do not agree with everything you say does not mean I am being uncivil. I did not call you or Fred anything. Take it as you will, obviously, I hit a nerve with Fred, you just disregared everything else I said and called me a cop hater. Fred tells me to fuck off. Who is uncivil? I am NOT against police, but I AM against a police state. And surely thats what we are becoming. Or am I full of shit there too FRED? If you think we are not becoming a police state then your head is way too far up someones ass. Hows that for civil FRED?

    • spacer Robert says:
      March 14, 2013 at 12:50 pm

      Well John, first off, depending on where you are YES we are fast becoming a police state. I’m behind enemy lines but my locals are the tip of the spear. Most of them are damn fine cops. I live in a red county in a very blue state.

      As far as Fred, you should know he is from a long line of cops. He is a Texas boy and his area is NOT even close to police state.

      I am from a very long line of cops myself. I’ve lost family members in the line of duty. I never wore the badge, matter of fact most of the time the badges were looking for me in my youth…However; to disrespect the entire force of blue because of the actions of a few is akin to the gun laws NOW being pushed. Punishing LEGAL/Law abiding/Good people for the actions of a few… Sound familiar?

      • spacer John says:
        March 14, 2013 at 1:11 pm

        Robert, I have disrespected NO ONE. Please re-read my posts. I personally am not in law enforcement, but my I have FIVE siblings who are. My cousin was a police detective in Phoenix was was murdered on duty back in the 80’s. I have another cousin on the bomb sqaud and another who is a patrol officer. So because I mention certain abuses to be called names pisses ME off. If I offended you, I do apologize, not my intent. But I thought it was ok for people to politlley disagree here? Just because I sais that ( I ) was not a badge polisher does not mean I called anyone here one. If Fred took it that way, then thats his problem. Where did I state that we should punish ALL police? I just think Fre dlikes picking fights with people without actually reading what they are trying to say. I respect the police as well, but refuse to put them on a pedastal. I have read your posts for years Robert and just recently started leaving comments. If you prefer I don’t then just say so. I will never agree with anyone 100% of the time.

        • spacer Robert says:
          March 14, 2013 at 1:18 pm

          Absolutely NOT John, I enjoy your comments. If we disagree on somethings that’s cool. I don’t hold it against you for being wrong in this case… LOL. We can disagree on a few things as long as your hearts in the right place. From what I can tell you are a patriot, a person who loves his country therefor you can’t be a democrat/Obama supporter. You’re perfectly welcome to drop your opinion here.

          Some of my readers may be a bit old school but they are my friends too. I’ve been doing this a long time now and we’ve all had our differences. Don’t let one chase you away.

          • spacer John says:
            March 14, 2013 at 1:30 pm

            I appreciate that. And again, let me state. I DO NOT HATE COPS. At least not in general. I just do not like the way the police powers are growing and growing against the people, unless your an illegal alien who the police here are not allowed to even ask. I am a patriot, that is true. And under normal circumstances would probably have nothing but respect for Fred.
            I am blessed to live in Arizona, where the guns laws are great, most the police are good guys too, but a growing number of them seem to be like certain politicians who are only in it to have power. Notice I did not say ALL.
            My ex-wife had a SWAT team break into her home in the middle of the night and terrify my children just because she refused to fill out one of those expanded census forms, one of those forms, not sure what they call it, but it asks way too personal questions. A man tends to take it personal when ANYONE points a gun in the face of his child. I just believe we need we need to get back to the constitution in many areas, including police powers. They have way too much of it. If that makes me a hater then I guess I am.

  10. spacer John says:
    March 14, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    Just one more thing Robert, forgive me for beating a dead horse here. But your newest post about our rights being infringed. Great post by the way. Just who do you think would enforce these laws? That is part of my point. If the police are all pure and on our side, we would just laugh every time these fools come up with these unconstitutional laws. But what would happen to you in California if you got caught carrying a loaded 9mm there without a permit? We both know, unless the arresting officer was a patriot that put the constitution first? It is a tough postition I am sure for the police to be in. If the police were not the enforcement arm of government and truly for the people, we would have nothing to worry about. But we do worry don’t we?
    Thanks for letting me rant here.

    • spacer Robert says:
      March 14, 2013 at 8:01 pm

      Yep, there will be those who will enforce the law unquestioned. And that’s also my point. Any warrant for search and seizure must come from a judge. Once it’s written it’s NON-NEGOTIABLE until court. As the story goes, YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, but you will be tried in the media first. Should you chose to fight it out, you will be alone. NONE of us will be coming to your aid.

      That’s the harsh reality. We’ll type furiously about how wrong it was that you were killed fighting the cops who served the warrant. Hey, we may even find out after the fact that you were wrongly accused… But until the lights are off, the internet is down, the collapse is evident YOU have no chance against a liberal judge/DA when it comes to your rights.

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