Top 10 New Puppy Necessities

Bringing home a new puppy is always an exciting and overwhelming occasion. We wanted to help you prepare for this event by compiling a list of "must have" items to acquire before you bring your pup into your home.

1. A crate Metal or plastic sided, the crate is going to be your number one training tool! This is the safest place for your puppy when you can't be watching him (and will keep your furniture, shoes, remote controls out of harms way as well!).

We recommend this dog crate

2. Baby gates - These gates are great tools for sectioning off your home and keeping your pup in rooms with easy to clean floors! They also enable you to keep track of her when you are cooking, cleaning or just hanging out.

Swinging baby gates are great!

3. Paper towels - Lots of them! Accidents do happen!

Buy Paper Towels Here

4. Pet Stain and odor remover - See number 3! Natures Miracle is a very popular choice, but there are many different brands on the market today. Youll find that pet-specific cleaning products come in handy long after your new puppy is housebroken.

Order Nature's Miracle Here

5. A small supply of her current food - Even if you are planning on switching his diet (which many people do), please do this slowly! There are so many changes going on in your new puppy's life right now. Drastically changing his diet can cause stomach upset that is easily preventable. Slowly wean him off his old diet by mixing new food in with his old, in gradually increasing proportions.

We Recommend This Puppy Food

6. Food and Water Bowls - Pretty self-explanatory, but a weighted water dish often comes in handy with puppies who like to frolic in their water!

Get two of these and you're set

7. Plastic bags - Start collecting these in advance when you make trips to the grocery store! You're going to have lots of puppy poop to pick up (so dont feel guilty about choosing plastic over paper).

Poop Patrol bags are also an option.

8. Puppy safe toys - Kongs, Orbees, Wubbas, oh my! Remember, no small parts that can be chewed off, and no squeakers that might be removed and swallowed.

See our list of eight great toy options for your puppy.

9. Collar & tags - Make sure you have these as SOON as your new puppy comes home, as we don't want to risk even a moment of her being without some form of identification! Please remember to remove the collar when your pup is in her crate- it is a choking risk to leave it on.

See our article on dog collars

10. Contacts of a reputable trainer & dog walker - Your little one is going to need plenty of attention and potty breaks to keep him happy and well socialized! Good trainers are in demand; contacting them early is the best way to secure a spot for your little prodigal pooch!

To get started with training, see our beginner's guide to dog training.



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