Meet Jess picture maker. beauty finder. lover of life.


“The eye is the lamp of the body, so if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.”
—Book of Matthew

I think of photography as visual poetry- the sensibility is the same.  It’s all about narrowing down to the essentials of a moment; what gets left in, what captures your vision. This is my favorite kind of alchemy. I love to make pictures that capture the beauty of everyday life.  My camera helps me see better, to find the real you or essence of a day and the holiness of the mundane. I was first trained in poetry and philosophy, and gradually found that since a picture is worth at least a thousand words, I could save a lot of time.

I also believe in Jesus, yoga, running, homemade soup, garden growing, making things by hand, living room dance parties and cuddling with my husband and four children. On any given summer morning you might find me (miraculously) alone watering my big garden or walking my sweet dog, Molly, through my favorite Tacoma neighborhoods to a great coffee shop.

Life is too short for: perfectionism, pants without stretch, ironing, and not taking enough pictures.

Ten more things: I believe people are inherently valuable and interesting.  ♦  I think everyone should try a triathlon at least once.  ♦  I think moments make up lifetimes which make up histories.  ♦  I love serendipity and surprises.  ♦  I think pictures look better on a wall than on a disk.  ♦  I love pepper on my popcorn.  ♦  I have a weakness for anything of the chocolate-peanut butter variety.  ♦  If I make you a smoothie it will most likely have kale in it.  ♦ I might be a vegetarian if it weren’t for bacon. If I’m stuck in traffic I’m likely to pull out some bubbles and start blowing them out the window- you should try!  It’a a great stress-reliever!

This is what I know for sure: sometimes the simple moments matter the most.

Check out some of my other creative projects at I am also one of the founding members at

May I Take your picture?

Jessica Uhler is a lifestyle portrait and wedding photographer located in the Seattle-Tacoma area. She is available for on-location portraiture,  event and style photography. She’s based in the amazing city of Tacoma but please inquire about traveling, she loves to do that too.

Contact me at

hello at jessuhler dot com

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