Support Cryptogon

Cryptogon wouldn’t exist without support from readers. Thank you for deciding to keep Cryptogon up and running.

Several payment methods and affiliate relationships have been established for you to choose from.

Payments Over the Web

Secure online payments to Cryptogon are handled through Amazon Payments and Paypal.

Amazon Payments is the preferred method of receiving funds in U.S. Dollars because there are no fees. I receive 100% of what you send. The Amazon Payments service is available for use by customers.

Amazon Payments:

To contribute to Cryptogon using Amazon Payments, go to Amazon Payments – Send Money and login with your regular Amazon credentials. For “Recipient:” enter my email address, (make sure you remove the ‘nospam’ part). Enter the desired amount. Click Continue.

PayPal: Contribute Any Amount to Cryptogon Monthly

So how much is Cryptogon worth to you on a monthly basis? I’d be thrilled if it was around the cost of one caffeinated beverage from your local cafe. I had a billionaire tell me once that he doesn’t contribute because he doesn’t have to in order to see the content. That experience has kept me from implementing any mandatory minimum. I simply want to believe that my “tribe,” so to speak, is above perspectives like that.

FYI: If you want to do less than $2 per month, the best way to go about it would be to hold back until you can do a lump sum payment so PayPal doesn’t wind up pocketing such a large amount of the money that you want to go to Cryptogon.

Recurring Donations to Cryptogon
Donation Amount in US$


PayPal: Select Your Home Currency Below to Contribute to Cryptogon

PayPal: Australian Dollar (AUD)
PayPal: Canadian Dollar (CAD)
PayPal: Euro (EUR)
PayPal: Great Britain Pound (GBP)
PayPal: Japanese Yen (JPY)
PayPal: New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
PayPal: Swiss Franc (CHF)
PayPal: United States Dollar (USD)
NOTE: If your home currency isn’t listed, please select New Zealand Dollar (NZD)

Payments Through the Mail

An increasing number of Cryptogon readers prefer to send checks through the mail. I can accept personal, company and bank draft/cashier’s checks that are issued in your home country’s national currency. This is by far the best option for sending larger contributions in currencies other than the U.S. Dollar.

Please make the check payable to Kevin Flaherty and mail it to:

Kevin Flaherty
PO Box 671
Kaitaia, 0441
New Zealand

FYI: The New Zealand Post lists cash as a prohibited item.

Payments Through Bitcoin

Bitcoin: 16aS6VCpYeNqB4Gv5D8sauZJuRvrXVTo55

Affiliate Relationships

Affiliate relationships are very important to Cryptogon and represent a substantial proportion of earnings. When you want to support Cryptogon by using one of the affiliates that you see on the site, simply click on the corresponding banner and conduct your business as you normally would. I will automatically get credited.

There has been a bit of confusion in the past about how the affiliate situation works, especially as it relates to BlueHost and Amazon:

BlueHost: BlueHost represents an astonishing webhosting value. Cryptogon has been hosted with BlueHost since 2005. Even more astonishing than BlueHost’s service is that they will pay me US$90 when anyone signs up for hosting with them via Cryptogon.

If you decide to sign up for hosting with BlueHost, there is one way, and only one way, for me to receive the commission. You must click any of the BlueHost banners or text links on Cryptogon and then sign up. If you want to be absolutely sure that it will work, click the link below to:

Sign Up For Hosting with BlueHost and Earn Cryptogon a $90 Commission

(If you don’t see a link above it’s because your ad blocking software has removed it. Simply pause adblocking and reload the page if you would like to support Cryptogon by signing up for hosting with BlueHost.)

Amazon: You DO NOT have to purchase whatever item that I’ve linked to in order for me to get credit for the purchase of a different item or items. As long as your Amazon session began as a click on a banner or link from Cryptogon, no matter what you wind up buying, I will automatically receive a commission. Here are links that start Amazon sessions with Cryptogon’s affiliate code built in: – –

Don’t worry if you don’t see Cryptogon’s affiliate code once you’re on Amazon. This is normal. Amazon’s system knows to credit Cryptogon with your purchases.

A Note About Minimum Monthly Income and Where Your Money Goes

Cryptogon needs to earn a minimum of US$1000 per month to remain up and running.

How did I arrive at that figure?

At current exchange rates, my family’s monthly expenses are running at between US$600 to US$700 per month. This covers things like: food, fuel, electricity, telephone, Internet access, property insurance, property taxes, and vehicle-related fees (besides fuel).

At a minimum, an additional US$300 to US$400 per month must come in for farm related projects, savings, our outgoing contributions to people who do good work and wildcards (chiropractic visits, vehicle repairs, book purchases, etc).

While it would be possible to thrive on less than this, I’m not willing to do that, or ask Becky, my wife, to accept anything less. If Cryptogon cannot generate at least US$1000 per month, I’ll return to the traditional workforce and close down the site. It’s nothing personal, that’s just the reality of the situation. Either my work on Cryptogon generates enough to support my family (as detailed above), or it doesn’t. With tens of thousands of people reading Cryptogon in the U.S. and around the world, I wouldn’t think that this should be too ambitious of a goal to reach, but we’ll see.

How it goes is completely up to you and the other five one hundredths of one percent of the people who read the site each month and choose to support it. (This number isn’t sarcasm, or some kind of attempt at humor. According to my best estimates, using several different traffic measurement methods, about five one hundredths of one percent of people who read the site each month do anything to support it.)

For recognition and appreciation of contributor generosity, as well as transparency, the current month’s earnings are always listed near the top on the sidebar to the right.

misery --> is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.