
How to mix talks and networking at conferences and events

Every time I go to a conference, I have a hard time to split between the tracks I want to follow and meeting people. When the conference…

In: confere, english, events, lifehack, meetup


Don’t bite the company that fed you

When I was younger and my father still alive, he used to tell me: Don’t spit in a tongue soup you liked to eat. In case you don’t…

In: culture, english, interview, job, mindset, Startup life


The culture of an old world I used to know

A few weeks ago, I was checking the homework my elder kid had to do for the mid term vacations. As usual, his French teacher had given…

In: Analyses, culture, english, lecture, old school


Dear iOS8, please do your job in the background and stop ruining my user experience?

One of the cool things brought by iOS8 was the ability to send a type of content within an application to another one. It was already…

In: apple, english, Ergonomie Web / UX, ios, ios8, ipad, iphone, mobile web, mobile, user experience


Why Ansible 1.8 is the new immutable deployment killer

If you’re following Ansible development, you’ve certainly noticed the new replaceallinstances directive in their Autoscaling Group…

In: ansible, devops, english, python, sysadmin, Systèmes / réseaux, yaml


Forget about Plan A, your Plan B is better

My math teacher once told me that the shortest path between 2 points is a straight line, but only when both points are exactly facing…

In: devops, english, management, planning, Startup life


Never call me a geek anymore

If you’ve turned 30 in 2014, you’ve never known a world without Internet. If you’re only 20, you’ve always known the World Wide Web even…

In: culture, english, facebook, geek, generationy, hacker


What cellphone policy for a 9 years old kid?

Last year when our elder son entered first form, he was the youngest kid of the college, and one of the 2 in his classroom who did not…

In: cellphone, education, english, iphone, smartphone, technology


Migrate your ElasticSearch cluster across the ocean without downtime

I just migrated a whole Elasticsearch cluster from Canada to France without downtime. With only 1.8TB of data, the cluster is quite…

In: devops, elasticsearch, sysadmin, Systèmes / réseaux


Your startup idea is stupid, it won’t work but I don’t have the balls to tell you

You just had the best idea ever, you know it. It’s the next big thing. Goodbye Google, adios Facebook, pasta la vista, Twitter! You’re…

In: design, english, Startup life

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