Rose City Comic Con


This weekend I’ll be tabling with Periscope Studio at the Rose City Comic Con right here in Portland!

Rose City Comic Con
September 20-21st
Tabling with Periscope Studio at Booth 1217
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, OR

I Want to Live


I have a brand new comic up called I Want to Live over on The Nib.

If you would like to support my work, you totally can by becoming my patron on Thank you!

July Events


This July 17th at 7:30pm come listen to Sex Nerd Sandra and me shoot the shit about sex and comics!

July 17, 7:30
Tickets $12, Ages 21+
350 West Burnside Street
Portland, OR 97209
Phone: 503-345-7892

And theeeeeeeeeeeeeen two days later come to Danielle Corsetto‘s Slingshot Across America Tour stop in Portland where not only will she be signing books at Bridge City Comics, but she’s invited Lucy Bellwood and me to join her as well!

Slingshot Across America Tour!
July 19, 6-9pm
Bridge City Comics
3725 N. Mississippi Ave.,
Portland, OR 97227

Emerald City Comic-Con


Oh dang, it’s that time of year again! Time for Emerald City Comic-Con in Seattle, March 28-30th!

I’ll be exhibiting with Periscope Studio at our giant table island, table 1214.

I’m also gunna be on a handful of panels!

-PANEL: It’s Not Too Dangerous To Go Alone: Finding the courage to do it yourself
March 29, 11:20am – 12:10, HALL C (610)
How long have you been thinking about starting that comic, game, or band? Feel scared? Join the club! Just don’t let it stop you. Learn how navigate through self-doubt, motivational issues & lack of know-how on your way to victory!

-PANEL: Urban Dictionary Game Show
March 29, 6:10 – 7pm, Hall B
What do those terms in Urban Dictionary even mean? Has anybody ever used them before, for realsies?? In this Game Show, our group of panelists attempts to define the weirdest, grossest terms the website has to offer. Mostly they will get it wrong!

-PANEL: Freelance Like a Rockstar
March 30, 4:00pm – 4:50pm, ROOM 2B
Do you fantasize about being self-employed but you just don’t even know where to start? Shh, shh, little friend, no more tears – this group of seasoned pros is here to share their hard-won knowledge with you so you can freelance like a rock star, too.

Bucko Reading Tomorrow


Tomorrow, Friday the 7th, Jeff Parker and I are doing a reading/talk about our graphic novel, Bucko!

Bucko Book Reading
March 7, 6-8pm
Astoria Public Library
450 10th Street
Astoria, OR 97103

DAR! for Scarleteen Donations



Until Friday 3/14/14, email me proof you donated to Scarleteen & I’ll send you the DAR! book PDFs.


The DAR! books have over a dozen comics not released online, plus other bonus content. Here’s all the deets on what’s in the DAR! books.

Here is the run down on what Scarleteen is and why they need to raise some serious dollas or else they’ll be forced to shut down nearly all of their services to provide teens with free, comprehensive, gender-inclusive, judgement-free sex education.

Babeland Art Show


Back in November 2013 I had my art show opening at Babeland in Seattle!
Haha, I know it’s a little late, but here are some photos from the reception, which was completely packed! By the time the camera came out, the crowd had had a chance to thin out a little, but one of the Babeland employees told me it was the largest art opening they’d had since they’d come on board several years ago. So that was neat!
Everyone who chatted with me was so lovely and thoughtful. I’m an anxious person, always predicting the Worst Case Scenario before every social event, and it’s so, so, so nice to be reminded that, oh yeah, the people who read my comics are funny and smart and interesting and a pleasure to talk to.

(Can you see all the bottles of lube I used to keep my prints flat on the table?)
I loved how Babeland arranged my art on their walls!
My black and white original pages of Oh Joy, Sex Toy were perfectly accented by the brightly colored bouquets of real sex toys beneath them. Perfect.
Babeland suggested featuring some of my personal favorite toys just for the show, and what better way to do that than with my own illustrated endorsements sitting right next to them.
I can’t tell you how fulfilling it was to have my work hung on the walls of the very first sex store I ever set foot in, over a decade ago. This specific Babeland was personally responsible for introducing me to the world of toys, sex positivity, and my very first orgasm (Which I wrote about previously here)
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart to everyone who came out to the show and bought everything I’d brought with me (save for two prints). It was an incredibly night and I’m so grateful for experiencing it!

Mark your calendars, because September 11th, 2014, I’ll be taking this show to one of New York’s Babelands too! Which one is still To Be Determined, but it’s happening.



Have you ever wished you could help support my comics and me in a tangible fashion?

Dudes, you totally can.

You can become a patron of Oh Joy, Sex Toy through Patreon and help support keeping this comic my number one occupation.

What is Patreon?

It’s sort of like Kickstarter, but rather than raising one lump sum of money all in one go for one final project, instead you sort of subscribe to give me a little bit of money each time I post a new comic. I update the site once a week, so if you pledged to give me $2 each time a comic goes up, that means I’d get $8 a month from you. But it’s totally in your hands how much and how often you want to support the site and you can put a cap on just how much you’re willing to give each month. So even if I went crazy bananas and posted a hundred strips in one week, you still wouldn’t go past your cap of say, $5 a month.
Learn more at Patreon’s FAQ

Why is Erika using Patreon?

This comic IS earning me a modest income through a bunch of different channels, but it fluctuates greatly from month to month. Each week’s update is actually 4-6 pages of full color comics, condensed into a single web friendly image, and takes me a full week to make. Seriously, it’s a full time job. I don’t even have time for commissions or freelance work anymore! So I’m launching my Patreon campaign as an option for you guys to help support OJST and me.

Primarily it’s to help me in my leaner months, but also it helps me pay for more fantastic guest comics that I need to use when I get sick or hit by a car (that actually happened a couple months ago) or need a new point of view on some sexy subject.


- $1 an update – Get exclusive snapshots posted in my activity stream of my progress on the comic every day that I am working on it.

- $5 an update – Download PDFs of both volumes of my previous comic series, DAR! Originally published as books in 2009 and 2010, these PDFs include comics and bonus content that was never released online.


Thank you!

Don’t worry if you can’t contribute, OJST will always be free. This is just an avenue for super fans to help directly support the comic financially if they would like to do so. I’m very grateful for all the support I’ve received since OJST‘s launch in April 2013 and I definitely do not take any of it for granted! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for enabling me to work on a project I believe in 110% and am truly passionate about. I love sharing knowledge about sex and promoting sex positivity and I will do so, with our without Patreon, for as long as I possibly can.

Freelancer Roundtable 2013


Every year three of my favorite freelancers and I gather together to talk shop and answer questions about being self-employed in the creative fields, specifically comics and illustration.

We are: Katie Lane, Bill Mudron, Dylan Meconis, and me, Erika Moen (you’re already on my site, but I also do this comic called Oh Joy, Sex Toy)

You can listen to this year’s roundtable in podcast form or you can watch us on video!

Freelancer Roundtable 2013 Part One from Erika Moen on Vimeo.

Freelancer Roundtable Part Two from Erika Moen on Vimeo.

If you’d like more information and resources for dealing with the world of freelance and self-employment, please check out Katie’s site Work Made For Hire

Planned Parenthood December Donation



Click to see full receipt.

Alright, friends! I just made the final donation to Planned Parenthood from Lucy Knisley‘s and my Party With Planned Parenthood fundraiser print!

Back in April, Lucy stopped in Portland on part of her whirwind book tour for Relish. We’re both strong supporters of Planned Parenthood and of doing collaborative drawings together so we decided to squish these two interests into one! Thus… Party With Planned Parenthood was born.

Real life Planned Parenthood supporters sent us their photos for us to draw them into the enormous party scene. We drew and inked the artwork together and then Lucy colored the line art digitally. I printed them out as a limited edition of 25 on fancy paper and after numbering them, we both signed them.

Party With Planned Parenthood from Erika Moen on Vimeo.

Over the last few months we’ve sold the original artwork and all of the prints!
In October we donated $1,150
In November we donated $250
And now, December, we’ve donated the final $250
Which comes to a total of $1,650 donated to Planned Parenthood!

But here’s the great thing– for the month of December, Planned Parenthood has a donation matching program in place, which means every donation you make gets matched by an anonymous donor.

So that means our final $250 was automatically matched by a mystery donor to become $500! Which brings our total amount of money raised for Planned Parenthood to $1,900!!!!!

Our heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who bought the original art and all the prints. I hope you’re enjoying the artwork and feeling awesome for helping out an absolutely vital service provider like Planned Parenthood.
Thank you.

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