


Next Event


Not yet scheduled!

We haven’t scheduled our next PechaKucha Night yet, but in the meantime you can watch some presentations, look at our map to see if there are any scheduled PKNs in nearby cities, or have a look at the long list of upcoming events, to see if there’s one you can attend!




Who's Driving this Thing?!

So really, who's driving this thing?! 


Now that the first of our events in under our belts we want to reach out and tell you a little about why we are excited about PKN!


First at bat - Crystal Gale Phelps!


Hey - I'm Crystal - an artist and lady-boss here in Toledo. I jumped into organizing PKN as a volunteer in 2010 because I experienced PKN in other cities and thought Toledo could benefit from the experience. Toledo deserves an event format that is not stuffy and full of pressure - an event with the ability to share their ideas in a relaxed way. Nothing else here is quite like it, making it a great fit for Toledo. 


Next up - the rookie - Maureen Brogan!


Hey! I'm Maureen - a facebook posting, event planning, dance party destroying geek in Toledo. I met Crystal through a friend named Kim - another lady-boss and former organizer of PKN Toledo. I showed up at their event hosted at Toledo Museum of Art and knew I wanted to be a part of the awesome feeling this event brings to my city. Born and raised in Toledo I grew up with the idea that there was nothing to do here. As I become an adult (let's be honest - it's an ongoing process for us all) I continue to meet amazing people making things happen. Forget that boring idea that there is nothing to do - make your own waves! I'm excited for the wave PKN has made and will continue to make here in Toledo! 

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About the City's Organizers

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    Crystal Gale Phelps

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    Keith Instone

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    Maureen Brogan

Friends of PechaKucha

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