Locally Owned & Independent Businesses.

When YOU shop at your locally owned businesses, you're supporting the local economy

It’s a simple fact: for every $100 spent, locally owned independent businesses generate $68 in local economic activity. National chains generate only $43. And out-of-state online sellers who don't collect sales tax are virtually a total drain on the local economy.

So when you spend your hard-earned money here, it stays here, supporting locally owned businesses, city neighborhoods and services, and enhancing the quality of life in San Francisco.

To get updates from your favorite local San Francisco shops.
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What's Up with SFLOMA Merchants 
In the News from SFLOMA 

Small Business Saturday is November 29 - Are You Ready?

Founded by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday is a day to celebrate the local businesses that make your neighborhood great.


 This year, Small Business Saturday is Nov 29.  Invite customers into your business on the day with free merchandise, including awelcome mat, tote bags, stickers, and more.  This offer is available to eligible small businesses only, through Nov 14 or while supplies last.  Get started at ShopSmall.com/Merchandise.  For full details, visit ShopSmall.com/MerchandiseTerms. 

And for some promotional ideas, this link has lots of good stuff.



> A 10% shift in consumer spending from chains and Internet to locally owned retail, would create nearly 1300 new jobs and over $190 million in increased economic output for San Francisco. Customers don't have to spend more, just spend differently. Read More

Locally owned merchants in San Francisco have significant strength in several retail categories, and their contributions to the economy of the city are substantial. They also provide incredible retail diversity and local charm, two reasons so many people want to live and visit here. 
> Locally owned businesses reinvest in the local economy at a 60% higher rate than chain and internet retailers. 
Learn more about the benefits of local spending here.
Who we are
A little bit about us.
SFLOMA was founded by a group of merchants from locally owned businesses. We currently have over 200 members representing a wide range of retail and service categories. Not only are our businesses knowledgeable, competitive, quirky, , friendly, unique, and creative, we support other local businesses and services, as well as schools, charities, non-profits, and more.

Why Join?
See what promotional benefits our membership has to offer.
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San Francisco Locally Owned Merchants Alliance 2013                                    Powered by LocalOn
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