First Lady
Kathleen Sandoval

First Lady Kathleen Sandoval

Dear Fellow Nevadan,

I consider it the highest privilege to serve as the First Lady of Nevada. For me, the Silver State truly is home. I was born in Nevada, and it’s where my husband and I have chosen to raise our family. With our breathtaking landscapes and unrivaled amenities, and the hard working, warm-hearted people that make up our communities, Nevada is unlike any other state in the nation, and I’m deeply honored to help make it an even better place.

In my role as First Lady and as the Director of Operations at the Children’s Cabinet, I remain dedicated to ensuring that our communities are healthy and safe for our children. It is imperative that we provide future generations of Nevadans every possible opportunity to thrive and succeed. Whether that means improving the quality of children’s mental health services, expanding access to early childhood education, or working to increase food security for Nevada’s needy families, it’s essential that our most vulnerable Nevadans receive the care and support they need. Please know that I will continue to work closely with Brian to make sure these issues remain top priorities for our state.

I encourage you to learn more about these important initiatives, and to find ways that you can help make a difference. We all have a unique role to play, and there is so much we can accomplish if we will commit to improving our neighborhoods and communities all across this great state we call home.

Together, we are the Nevada family.

Kathleen Sandoval

To read the First Lady’s full bio, click here
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