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EU parliament demands patent restart

Topic: Government UK

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EU parliament demands patent restart

Summary: Opponents of software patents are delighted that the EC will be asked to rewrite the Computer Implemented Inventions Directive

TOPICS: Government UK

The battle to prevent software patents being introduced in Europe received a major boost on Wednesday afternoon when the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) of the European Parliament (EP) demanded that the Computer Implemented Inventions Directive (CIID) be rewritten.

A EP spokesman confirmed on Thursday that the president will be asked by the European Commission (EC) to take the patent directive back to the drawing board.

Piia-Noora Kauppi, a Finnish MEP who was present at the JURI meeting, said this decision had considerable support from the members of the Legal Affairs Committee.

"The decision was reached with an overwhelming majority of the Committee, and with the support of all major political groups," said Kauppi.

Opponents of the directive fear that it will herald the widespread patenting of software in Europe -- a claim rejected by supporters of the directive.

Florian Mueller, the campaign manager of an anti-patent Web site, said it is great news for anti-patent campaigners, but warned that the battle is not yet over.

"It's a fantastic turning point because in all likelihood we've now succeeded in doing away with last year's Council text," said Mueller. "The FFII and other anti-patent campaigners now have a chance to organise ourselves even better for the future. That's what our opponents are doing -- they're not going to give up."

The EP spokesman said the EC is not obliged to agree to the EP's request for a restart, but is likely to adhere to the will of the parliament. But an EC spokesman said that the Commission has not yet decided anything and will "keep its options open" and "see what happens with the EU Council".

Mueller said the EU Council is unlikely to ratify the controversial directive in the immediate future as their decision could be overturned by the restart motion proposed by the EP.

"They will probably wait for a month or two until the dust has settled on the restart," said Mueller.

Topic: Government UK

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  • We are victorius once more! Give it up corrupt companies and goverments you can't win!
    Reply Vote
  • It's a victory, but it was only a battle. The War continues.
    Reply Vote
  • Big thanks to Michel rocard !
    Reply Vote
  • Yes, no real victory yest, do not feel at ease,
    the pro patent powers will add some force and money.

    It would be good if the US people who understand what a mess softwared patents have ceated in the US would take part in trying to add some intelligence into this question on both sides of the pond.

    It is also funny how big companies like IBM, Simens, Nokia and others (who support patents on software) have been able to hide their "logic" to the public.

    Poor Sir Gates, you lost a day or two in Europe.
    But we can understand your personal reasons for supporting software patents in the EU, and you cannot hide.

    So, Palmisano, Ollila and the rest of you, let us hear your great logic on software patents in the public.
    Perhaps you are only puppets in the hands of your legal departments who smell money for more lawyers.
    Oh, hove well you have been able to hide yourself.
    Reply Vote
  • Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. No software patent legislation. Ever. Because there's simply no need for it and even a 'limited' version of software patent legislation would still be nursed into a big monster by those well funded lobbyists and badly informed politicians.

    It would be so much more productive if efforts get concentrated on 'lessons learned'. And perhaps preventing well funded lobbyists and badly informed politicians from getting so close to a similiair 'near miss' in the future.
    Reply Vote
  • Do patents threaten your business? (3 pages),39020682,39186357,00.htm
    Reply Vote
  • Lets Just Break Our Computers and send all our Money to Microsoft (yearly), oh except for the the dole money we'll need for British programmers.
    Why Innovate when you can Stagnate.
    Reply Vote
  • In 1991 Bill Gates said: "If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete standstill today."
    Patents are valid for 20 years.

    please read :
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