15 Inspiring Famous Quotes Illustrated With Minimalistic Posters

Most of the quotes by famous people are intrinsically motivational enough to inspire people into action. The beauty is further accentuated when these powerful words are coupled with creative poster illustrations. Designer Ryan McArthur gave inspiring touch to these beautiful quotes by designing minimalistic illustrations that enhance the overall meaning and power of the words

16 Things That Are Just Never As Good After College

Most people would agree that college days are some of the very best days of life. Not only because of all the fun and excitement but also because there are many things that were safe to do or even encouraged in college. But today they are equally embarrassing or frowned upon. In this post we

Hyper-Sized Objects: Neither Photoshoped Nor Tempered

I could never afford or keep any of these. The hyper-sized every-day objects were built across the world by famous artists, architects and designers to make these landmarks a catchy spot for visitors or to plainly show off their work. The pieces of art have become a center of attention at all the places they

17 Photos of Yoga Session From A Mother and Her 4-Year-Old Daughter

Yoga is quite famous for its powerful relaxation potential and it has now become one of the most important part of life for many people. But having a well behaved, cute 4-year old around while performing yoga is an even more exceptional feeling. Such feeling has been captured by this Mother with Her 4-Year-Old Daughter

50 Insane Animal Facts That Will Make Your Head Roll

Whenever someone wakes you up in the middle of the night and says “look, there is an animal in your room”, you naturally get frightened. However, these non human inhabitants of earth are not always dangerous, but are clothed with an array of immense happiness. It just needs an optimistic inner eye to feel their

20 Pictures That Will Satisfy Your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

There are many people who just over exaggerate the need to tidy up each and everything. Most of the times, such people are simply categorized into people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Whether that is a disorder or a blessing in disguise, we don’t know. All we know is that this collection of 20 Pics
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