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CES 2013 Post-Mortem – 5 Products You Need To Care About

Posted by: James Huneycutt |

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Well, the dust has settled from CES 2013. the largest in the nearly fifty-year history of the conference, and while the number of new products and ideas easily exceeded comprehensive coverage, we’re here to highlight the five most exciting geek-worthy items for CES 2013

5.  S.T.R.I.K.E.7

MadCatz (and their internal brands like Saitek, Tritton, and Cyborg) have managed to squeeze their way into every niche of the gaming accessory market, and one of their newest products, the S.T.R.I.K.E.7, is the kind of keyboard to make your friends jealous and your mom roll her eyes. It’s the kind of keyboard that makes you seriously question just how fictional the Transformers are. Featuring an infinitely customize-able and completely modular design sporting entirely too many macro keys and a touch-screen interface, the S.T.R.I.K.E.7 will set you back a cool $299.99.

Check it out right here, and feel free to order me one while you’re at it.


4. Vuzix M100.

While Google’s “Project Glass” is still entirely too far away to report on, a number of similar products hover closer on the horizon, and one of the most exciting of them is the Vuzix M100. The M100 follows the overall form-factor of a large Bluetooth headset, with a extended boom wrapping around in front of one eye. The boom contains a small screen to project the transmitted information, along with a camera and processor which projects the transmitted information. The device runs on Android, though it interfaces with either Android or iOS devices, and is powerful enough to provide rudimentary applications and processes without such a connection.

You can check it out here.


3. Logitech’s Solar Keyboard Folio

When it comes to ecological impact over the last few years, the tech industry has rarely garnered praise. But this seems to be a focal point for the industry, and one of the major themes of this year’s conference was Eco-Friendly advancement. One of my personal favorite products was Logitech’s Solar Keyboard Folio, a Bluetooth companion keyboard that doubles as a small folio case, with a solar-powered twist. The device itself does little to advance any of the categories it enters by leaps or bounds, but this product is a great example of the direction you can expect virtually every successful tech enterprise to move in the coming years.

Check out the Logitech Solar Keyboard Folio here!


2. Atmel XSense

Atmel is likely a company you’ve never heard of, but it’s almost certain you’ve experienced their specialty products in one of the phones, computers, or touch-screen interfaces you use on a regular basis, and one of their most exciting new products is their XSense touch sensor line. The traditional touch-screen architecture that most of our technology currently relies upon requires a flat-surface, and this limits touch-screens to applications that can fit that form. The Atmel XSense allows the sensor surface to be curved, beveled – and doesn’t require an area with an edge, allowing for all manner of aesthetic and technical innovation.

Check out their product information here!


1. Scanadu

Now, I’m sure some of you are going to argue with me about this. The following product has nothing to do with geek culture, won’t wow your friends, and won’t be a dinner-party hit (well, it would at my dinner parties, but here’s hoping you’re a touch more socially acceptable). What the Scanadu WILL do, however, is bring us one step closer to the childhood fantasies surrounding a proper medical examination by Dr. Beverly Crusher.

I will let the Scanadu speak for itself:


Wow. Just . . . wow. Though the Scanadu leans more in the Emergency Medical Hologram direction in execution, the product and service is a brilliant idea, and would be an incredible step forward in the field of home medical care, especially useful for young families.

We hope you’ve enjoyed Pixelated Geek’s round-up of exciting new tech from CES 2013!

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