November 01, 2014

spacer News

Final Update

Hi, I'm writing this to make it official, will no longer have any updates. I'll be archiving the content and leaving it up as long as possible for historical reasons. was the home of some of my D projects. It was started so long ago when the web was a different place and I was still fairly new to the game.
D was once an obsession and pleasure of mine, but I've since moved on. The D community is very smart and I wish them the best. I certainly have learned a lot from them. Since I'm no longer using D, the languages that have my interest at the moment are Lua and Rust.
To make it clear and allow code forking, I hereby release DFL and Entice Designer source code under dual licenses: boost and/or zlib/libpng, for the versions which were released on Please see the GUI Libraries wiki page for DFL forks.
Thank you,
- Christopher E. Miller

October 24, 2014

Spice and Math

Atmosphere GM - Statistical package

Project site:


  1. Separating mixtures of probability distributions
  2. Grid methods
  3. Parameterized algorithms
  4. Optimization over sliding window


Documentation can be found here.


To use this package, put the following dependency into your project's dub.json into the dependencies section:
"dependencies": {
"atmosphere_gm": ">=0.0.1"


It is suggested the llvm D compiler be used for benchmarks. Project requires LDC version >= 0.15.0 or DMD >= 2.066, or corresponding GDC release. The DMD is easy way to start. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.