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Cazuela Ceramic Cookware

Cazuelas are glazed clay cooking dishes (sometimes referred to as terra cotta dishes) that may be used in the oven, on the stovetop, over a grill, or in a microwave. They're made in many shapes and sizes, but are most often shallow and round. Unlike paella pans, cazuelas retain heat long after they've been removed from the heat source, so the food continues to cook. We use cazuelas for everything from roasting chicken (it comes out juicy and delicious) to baking vegetable gratins to serving tapas. They also make great vessels for the great Spanish rice dishes that are cooked in the oven (arroz al horno).

For detailed information about how to season and use our cazuelas, see our Care and Maintenance Guide.

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Hand-Painted Ceramic Olive Oil and Vinegar Cruets
Our Price:$20.95
Sangria Pitcher
Our Price:$20.95
Crema Catalana Set
Our Price:$29.50
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Yellow Ceramic Bowl
Yellow Ceramic Utensil Holder
Our Price:$14.95
4 3/4 inch Cazuela - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$5.95
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5 3/4-inch Cazuela - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$6.35
6 1/4-inch Cazuela - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$6.95
8 1/4-inch Cazuela - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$10.95
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9 3/4-inch Cazuela - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$12.95
11 3/4-inch Cazuela - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$24.95
13 1/2-inch Cazuela - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$29.95
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8-inch Deep Cazuela with Belly - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$14.95
9-inch Cazuela Bowl - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$13.95
Oval Cazuela - Terra Cotta Dish
Our Price:$17.95
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