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eFrog Digital Design |


General Questions

  1. Do you undertake customisations to eFrog themes?
  2. What is WordPress?
  3. What is a WordPress theme?
  4. What is a Premium WordPress Theme?
  5. Do eFrog themes work on the free hosted accounts?
  6. Why should I use eFrog Digital Designs?
  7. How do I buy an eFrog theme?
  1. Do you undertake customisations to eFrog themes?

    Firstly, it bears saying that all eFrog themes are already very customisable, right  in our awesome eFrog Options Panel, and the many choices of colours, layouts, logo’s etc, that are offered. These options can and do make a huge difference, very easily, with NO coding or CSS knowledge required.

    However, we’re hearing requests more and more often, for deeper, more extreme customisation, and sadly the answer is, no, we don’t offer custom work. That kind of work requires resources that we simply don’t have. Yet.

    What we ARE doing, is  we’re looking to sourcing trusted third-party resources that we can recommend to you. As soon as we’re happy, we’ll list them, and their contact details,  here on the website.

  2. What is WordPress?

    WordPress is a great piece of web software.

    At it’s heart, it’s a blogging program, that lives on a web-server, and allows people to have a website, called a blog, which really is a place on the Internet, that they can call home. It works by taking care of most of the fiddly bits and allowing even completely non-technical folks to write their stories, in bite-sized chunks called “posts”, and to include pictures and video in those posts, quite easily.

    Behind the scenes, WordPress manages the database of posts, and pictures, and links and comments etc. The posts are normally presented as journal-style entries in reverse chronological order, i.e. newest at the top, older going down the page.

    WordPress is open source software, which means it’s readily available and free. You can read more about WordPress in detail here.

  3. What is a WordPress theme?

    You can think of a WordPress theme as a snazzy outfit for your WordPress blog – the look and feel of your blog. We can create these themes/outfits because the WordPress creators were smart enough to separate the functional and presentation layers, and give the world the opportunity to create cool clothes for WordPress, in the presentation layer.

  4. What is a Premium WordPress Theme?

    A premium theme is one that is carefully created, by superb designers and coders (folks like eFrog team…). Premium themes generally ensure high quality code, great design and support when you need it.

  5. Do eFrog themes work on the free hosted accounts?

    eFrog’s themes are intended for use with WordPress’ self-hosted websites. However, our Greyzed theme is available for use on, from the theme gallery.

  6. Why should I use eFrog Digital Designs?

    George is hurt that you even had to ask!

    We offer great design, quality code, flexible options and valuable support, but the real reason you should use our themes, is because we really, really love making them. That’s how we know you’ll love them too.

  7. How do I buy an eFrog theme?

    We’ve made it really easy!

    All you need to do is sign up for free as an eFrog user, browse through our awesome collection, and lookout for a button that says GRAB IT, BUY or DOWNLOAD.

Post Purchase Questions

  1. How do I get into the Support Forum?
  2. How long will I have access to the Support Forums?
  3. How do I suggest a new feature for a theme?
  4. How often are theme updates released?
  5. I have downloaded a new version of a theme, how do I update?
  6. I’ve already bought a theme, how do I buy another?
  7. May I customize the theme once I’ve purchased it?
  8. May I use the themes for commercial projects?
  1. How do I get into the Support Forum?

    All registered users who have purchased a theme will have access to the Support Forum. You can click through to the Support Forum by using the link at the bottom of the eFrog website. C’mon in.

  2. How long will I have access to the Support Forums?

    There is no time limit to your access.

  3. How do I suggest a new feature for a theme?

    You may use our forums to suggest a new feature or make use of the nifty Suggestion Box we’ve included in your “Account” area.

  4. How often are theme updates released?

    We update our themes when bugs are fixed or new features are added. We also release theme updates following major WordPress revisions.

  5. I have downloaded a new version of a theme, how do I update?

    If you have not made any modifications to the theme, then you can simply overwrite the current theme files with the new ones. However, if you have made modifications, you will need to view our change log to see which files have been updated. You can also use or to compare files.

  6. I’ve already bought a theme, how do I buy another?

    On eFrog themes, you are allowed to buy as many themes as you like. Follow the same process as the first theme you purchased, without the requirement of registering for an account.

  7. May I customize the theme once I’ve purchased it?

    Yes, you may customize the theme as you see fit; we ask that you please preserve the footer credit link though.

  8. May I use the themes for commercial projects?

    Yes, you may use our themes for commercial projects; we ask that you please preserve the footer credit link though.

Pre Purchase Questions

  1. How do I demo a theme?
  2. How do I pay for the themes?
  3. What types of payments are accepted?
  4. How do I get the themes once I’ve paid?
  5. My payment won’t go through, who can assist?
  6. I’ve paid, but haven’t received an email with the download link?
  1. How do I demo a theme?

    For each theme on the eFrog website, there’ll be a green button saying “DEMO”. Clicking this button will launch the theme into demo mode, which lets you drive around and see what the theme really looks like. You can even change colour schemes.

  2. How do I pay for the themes?

    Once you have chosen the theme/s you want to buy, you can go to the checkout page, where you will be given the total cost and we’ll guide you thought the (very secure and very safe) payment gateway that we’ve partnered with, PayGate.

  3. What types of payments are accepted?

    We accept all Visa and MasterCards, Diners Club and American Express credit cards.

  4. How do I get the themes once I’ve paid?

    Once you have paid for your theme, we’ll give you a link to download the theme. We’ll also send you an email with a link to download the theme. If you’ve already bought a theme, and want to download it again, you can do so through your account on the eFrog website, by logging in.

  5. My payment won’t go through, who can assist?

    PayGate handles our payment system. We can help with the details you need to contact them via email or phone. Visit for more info. Of course, there may be problem with your credit card, in which case you’ll have to contact your bank for help.

  6. I’ve paid, but haven’t received an email with the download link?

    It may be that our website is crazy-busy, or your Internet Service Provider may be suffering from Internet-less-ness. If this happens you might not receive an email immediately. You could also check your spam folders. If you’re sure you didn’t get it, drop George a mail at and he’ll get it sorted.

Theme Questions

  1. What are the differences in the and versions of Greyzed?
  2. What does widgetized mean?
  3. Are eFrog themes widgetized?
  4. Are the themes cross-browser compatible?
  5. Do all themes work on WordPress 2.8 and newer?
  6. How many sites may I deploy the theme on?
  7. Are the PSD files supplied with the themes?
  8. Am I able to change the language of a theme?
  9. Am I bound to keeping the eFrog Themes link in the footer?
  1. What are the differences in the and versions of Greyzed?

    Everyone’s favorite theme, Greyzed, is available on for use with their hosted blogging platform, on for free use by anyone self-hosting their blog, and as a paid-for ($5) version, available from For all intents and purposes, the wpdotcom and wpdotorg versions are the same. They’re a little limited in functionality and are no longer being actively developed, but they are FREE! :)

    The version, on the other hand, IS being developed and has a nice handful of new features and advantages. Here’s a handy list:

    • Post Thumbnails. eFrog version only. Show a post thumbnail for any post, by setting the “featured image” property of the post, Easy. Elegant. Posts without featured images degrade gracefully. No ugly placeholder.
    • Custom Menus. Because Greyzed was written before WordPress even had custom menus, there IS no support for this feature in the version. The eFrog version, however, fully supports custom menus.
    • Fully Widgetized. The eFrog version has been fully widgetized. Widgets, widgets, everywhere! The version has limited support for widgets in the sidebar.
    • Social Connections. The eFrog version has the very nice Social Connections widget, built into the theme footer.
    • PSD Included. The full, layered PSD is included in the download package of the eFrog version. That’s worth the pricetag, all on it’s own.
    • Support. Membership of our support forums. Get the support of the folks who made Greyzed, as well as the community that’s grown up around it. A veritable ocean of smarts.
  2. What does widgetized mean?

    Widgets are a powerful feature of WordPress themes that let you add cool things to your site. These widgets are little bits of code, designed to do a small specific task, like showing the last few tweets from your Twitter account. When a theme is widgetized, it means that the theme has areas where you can add widgets, and take advantage of their cool-ness.

  3. Are eFrog themes widgetized?

    Most of our themes do have at least one widgetized area. Please be sure to look at the theme features to ensure that the theme you like is widgetized.

  4. Are the themes cross-browser compatible?

    We test our themes on Internet Explorer 7 and 8, as well as Safari, Chrome and Firefox. In the case of some older browsers, our themes may not look as fantastic as we know they can. This is due to the capabilities (or lack thereof) of these older browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6.

  5. Do all themes work on WordPress 2.8 and newer?

    Some of our themes are designed to fully take advantage of the awesomeness that only comes with WordPress 3.0. Other themes will include selected WordPress 3.0 features and will be compatible with WordPress 2.8 and higher. Please check the Minimum Requirements for each theme before you make a purchase.

  6. How many sites may I deploy the theme on?

    You may use the theme on two sites – one for you and for a friend.

  7. Are the PSD files supplied with the themes?

    No. At this stage we are not distributing the PSD files with the themes.

  8. Am I able to change the language of a theme?

    You are welcome to change the language of the theme.

  9. Am I bound to keeping the eFrog Themes link in the footer?

    Yes please.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide support via email. Please use the Forums to post your queries.

Visit our Forums
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