I’m Back at Where it all Began

This entry was posted on March 5, 2013 by Martin Schneider, in CRM, CRM Outsiders, SugarCRM and tagged CRM, martin schneider, SugarCon. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment

Who says you can’t go home again?

When I first started this blog back in 2007, I had no idea what it might become. Now, after six years, hundreds of posts, and a few “owners” later I am back working with a lot of the team I knew while initially launching CRM Outsiders.

One of the things I love best about this blog is that even while I was away the content was relevant, timely, and useful. The blog eschewed deep technical jargon and “speeds and feeds,” type posts in favor of practical advice on how to optimize your CRM initiatives. Usually, this advice was around being in the right frame of mind – not about deeply technical features.

I want to thank Chris Bucholtz for doing an amazing job making this blog an even more respected, “must read” destination.

It is an exciting time for me, and subsequently for SugarCRM (or, I should say, CRM in general). I think we are truly starting to see major market shakeup in the form of major implementation and product shifts. Many of these shifts were ones I hinted at, and were more “visions of greater possibilities,” rather than reality back when I started this blog. Today, the shift is in place and making real impact.

SugarCRM is in a lot of ways leading the CRM charge in light of these various shifts in business (social, mobile, cloud – you name the buzzword du jour) – and thus I am even more excited to be a dedicated CRM observer attached to a company dedicated to making major changes towards improving how everyone gets things done in their professional lives.

Big things are coming – so stay tuned here and at the SugarCRM Blog as we lead up to some groundbreaking announcements at SugarCon 2013…

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One thought on “I’m Back at Where it all Began

  1. spacer johncarini says:

    Great that you are back Martin! Good luck!


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