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Digital Marketing Quarterly [May 2013]

This quarterly digest is focused on delivering digital marketing insights and trends from industry experts. Covering issues from top level announcements to digital marketing strategy, the Digital Marketing Quarterly offers you a global view of all current developments in the industry.

Recent emphasis has been given to personalization technology and the struggle marketers have to create actionable insights from their big data.

Digital Marketing experts at Emailvision explain why digital marketers should take note of Obama’s online marketing strategy – seen as the best-run campaign ever and why there’s never been a more challenging or exciting time to be a marketing leader.

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The Retail Marketing Challenge Report [January 2013]

Retailers have worked hard to adopt systems and incorporate strategies that create positive brand experiences, drive footfall to their stores and bring traffic to their online sites. However, for most retailers, marrying the store experience and the online experience has been a challenge. While these business areas coexist, they are often developed and executed independently of each other, supported by disparate teams and systems…Get the Report is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.