CLDR Features


  1. 1 Locale-specific patterns for formatting and parsing:
  2. 2 Translations of names:
  3. 3 Language and script information:
  4. 4 Country information:
  5. 5 Other:

Locale-specific patterns for formatting and parsing:

  • dates, times, and time zones (including non-Gregorian calendars)
  • numbers and currency values (including non-ASCII numbers)

Translations of names:

  • languages, countries, UN regions, scripts
  • currencies (symbols and names, including plurals)
  • weekdays, months, eras, day periods (short, abbreviated, and full forms)
  • timezones, timezone cities
  • units of time (short and long, with plurals, plus past and future)

Language and script information:

  • characters used in a language (plus auxiliary characters, index characters)
  • plurals and ordinals for languages
  • gender of lists
  • capitalization
  • rules for sorting and searching text
  • script data such as writing direction
  • rules for transliterating between scripts and languages
  • rules for spelling out numbers ("twenty-one")
  • rules for segmenting text into characters, words, lines, and sentences

Country information:

  • language (and language-script) usage in territories, including official languages
  • likely countries for languages, languages for countries, etc.
  • currency digits, rounding, and status per countries
  • calendar preference data, era boundaries, week starts
  • postal codes and telephone codes


  • ISO country/language code mappings
  • territory containment
  • bcp47 extensions
  • keyboard mappings for languages across platforms
  • traditional numbering systems ("VII")