
At Mission Hill School classrooms are a combined art/engineering studio, science lab, carpentry shop, kitchen, and library. Each room includes a meeting area, a small library, and (for older grades) computers. Children work individually or in small groups on tasks related to a shared school-wide theme or project. Children also spend time each day on more traditional teacher-directed skill work, and on personally directed activities of their own inspiration.

Several hours each week are devoted to wellness activities, outdoor play and exploration, art, and music. The school has an active library, External Affairs room (available for community meetings), an Assembly Hall, Gymnasium, and large unstructured indoor space which may be used for activities ranging from a small play to our weekly all-school Friday Share. Extracurricular activities for older students include tutoring and sports. Younger students (K0 – 5th grade) may enroll in an on-site fee-based Extended Day program run by Mission Hill School.