Be more creative.

Creativity is just connecting things. However making these connections might be tricky, if you can no longer find things you came across earlier. Collect your inspirations with Dragdis without worrying about losing them.


How do I collect with Dragdis?

Dragdis is beautifully simple. When you come across an inspiration on the web that you want to keep, all you need to do is just drag&drop it to your Dragdis sidebar. It automatically pops every single time to start dragging something.


It’s one of not many tools that I actually use. Love how simple it is. I bookmark the sites I like, or objects that I come across online. So that later I could get back when I need my creativity to be flowing.
Marrie Lafontt


All your inspirations in one place.

Stuff you’ve collected can be accessed at It’s beautiful, easy to navigate and you can find things you’re looking for in a blink. Tag your content, add notes, share it with a team or rediscover webpages you dragged your inspirations from.


I can be rather messy. Especially when it comes to my inspirations or sources. Dragdis is my simple answer to all of this. It’s sleek, simple and intuitive.
Felix Patrat


Perfect for creating mood boards

Looking to share a “mood” with one of your clients, colleagues or just a friend? Simply collect inspiration to your Dragdis and send them a short link. Quick & easy.


My ‘photography’ folder is my go-to source of inspiration to kick-start any project I direct at the agency. Sometimes I find creative leads in there, sometimes it simply puts me in the right mind state. Otherwise, I create Dragdis folders for most of my main clients even if there a no projects in the pipeline - and I drag for later.
Ludwig Ciupka

Beautifully simple way to organize your inspirations

Forget messy desktop or scrolling through your folders for ages.
Start using Dragdis now and focus on your creativity instead.

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