About Jeremie Tisseau

Beautiful, functional design – fitting your business objectives and your users requirements

Skype Me!

Do you have any query? I am usually available so if the button is green, go ahead and ask me.


Hire Us!

To get in touch with us, please use our contact form on our new website at www.morphos.is.

Get in touch!

Who I am and what I do

spacer Hello there!

My name is Jeremie Tisseau (Yep! That’s me on the left.) A multilingual (English, French, Spanish) User Interface and User Experience designer, I design clean, appealing, and functional interfaces.

Web design is so much more than design!

Branding, color schemes and demographics are all on your average graphic web designer’s to do list. Functional design however, demands consideration of SEO, calls to action, site navigation, e-commerce, functionality, user experience, and the business goals of my clients. My passion lies in getting to the bottom of your website and application requirements, using my creative and technical skills combined to get the best result for my clients.

Based in Bangkok, Thailand, I enjoy the challenges of working in a multilingual, multinational city and filling the functional design gaps in my clients’ teams.

I very much look forward to discussing your creative service requirements. Contact Me



With 6+ years in this business, I have came to learn different skills:

  • User Interface Design
  • Mobile App Interface Design for iOS and Android
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Hand coding HTML/CSS
  • jQuery, Mootools
  • Front end development, usability, image optimization
  • Content Management System (CMS) design (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento Commerce…)
  • Web design constraints
  • A/B testing
  • Site maps, wireframes, storyboards…

However, nowadays I am trying to focus almost exclusively on designing user interfaces and user experience for web and mobile applications (iOS and Android). This allows me to focus on what I enjoy the most and deliver top notch quality designs to my clients. “Do a thousand things and you will not do one good. Do one thing only and you will excel“.

Software & Programming skills

  • EXPERT KNOWLEDGE: Adobe Fireworks, Photoshop, HTML, CSS, Illustrator, Acrobat, FTP, SFTP, SVN, Trac, WordPress, Drupal, Magento, OpenCart, Joomla, jQuery, Mootools…
  • WORKING KNOWLEDGE: JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, command shell…

My Startups

In 2010 and end of 2011, I have joined two web and mobile Startups on my spare time where I can offer my services as a UI/UX designer. Respectively:

  • CardfedSend your digital photos as  high quality Travel Postcards.

  •  Got It! Loyalty Cards app for iPhone and Android, which won first runner up at Startup Weekend bangkok in December 2011.



During my spare time I run various web and mobile events in Bangkok: Mobile Monday, BKK Web Design, UX Design & Web Development Meetup, Graphic Designers & Creatives Meetup

  • Mobile Monday Bangkok (MoMo) is an open community platform of mobile industry visionaries, developers and influential individuals fostering brand neutral cooperation and cross-border P2P business opportunities through live networking events to demo products, share ideas and discuss trends from both local and global markets. Our speakers are from some of the most prestigious mobile companies in Thailand and the world: Nokia, RIM, AFP, Samsung, Tarad.com…
  • The BKK Web Design, UX Design & Web Development Meetup is geared towards web professionals who wants to connect with their peers, hire someone or simply learn something new. Each month, I get someone to talk about his area of expertise. We cover almost every side of the web design industry: SEO, marketing, advertising, coding, management, design, mobile… Founded in June 2010, this community has been growing steadily and now counts about 200 members as of November 2011. Each meetup is organized as followed: 1 hour presentation and a 15-30 minutes Q&A in an office with internet connection and projector. Then, we move to a bar or restaurant to do some networking and enjoy the evening after a long day of work.
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  1. spacer

    Shavar says:

    27 Jul, 2008


    I really like your work and went to your wife’s page and recognized her talent as well. I enjoyed looking at photos of the birthday party. Best wishes with your move and keep up the great work.

  2. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    2 Aug, 2008


    I wish my English was perfect. Thanks anyway for the nice comments. spacer

    • spacer

      Shak says:

      18 Jan, 2011


      Hi Jeremie,

      First of all thanks for the very useful tools and tutorials that you have provided.

      I am using your motools fx slide login tool and have a questions about it.

      Is there a way to put fx.slide.css in a folder other than the root directory. I am just looking to clean up my code a little bit and am having trouble doing this.

      I would appreciate any help towards this.

      Thanks in advance,

      Best regards,


      • spacer

        Shak says:

        19 Jan, 2011


        I’m very sorry, My problem is solved!
        I just needed to change the images paths!

        Thanks anyways!

    • spacer

      Michele says:

      18 Oct, 2011


      Hi Jeeremie,
      sorry for my english (I come from Italy) :). Congratulation for this module. But I don’t understand if this module is for joomla or for wordpress. I trying to install it in joomla but an error accurred.

  3. spacer

    Jason says:

    2 Aug, 2008


    Dude how awesome! I have some friends that are headed to the Canary Islands to be missionaries. They just learned spanish and we know another guy that lives on the island.

    LOVE Thai food and hope to get to visit there. I also have some friends in Thailand too. My parents are missionaries so I get to meet a lot of people, www.fbwwm.org.

    By the way, I thought you were American, your english is perfect. Sounds like an adventures life! Thanks for sharing, you do great work, I’m so glad I found your site.

  4. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    9 Aug, 2008


    Gracias Isabel. Quiero tener suerte en tailandia pero no sera facíl al principío.

    Tu también tienes talento. Mire tu pagína “trabajos” y estoy impresionado. No se utilizar Illustrator tanto como Fireworks o Photoshop aúnque me gustaria.

    Hasta luego!

  5. spacer

    Isabel says:

    9 Aug, 2008


    Realmente muy talentoso. Es un placer recorrer tu sitio, y ni bien pueda voy a recomendarlo en el mio.
    Espero algún día tener el 10% del talento que tienes, con eso sería feliz! jaja.

    Te deseo lo mejor desde Argentina, ahora, y con tus proyectos para el próximo año.

  6. spacer

    Lorenzo says:

    19 Aug, 2008


    Juaz, apenas acabo de leer que hablas español >_<, dejé un comentario en inglés en uno de los diseños que has hecho -Night Transition- espero me puedas ayudar ^^

    Y sobre tu mudanza a Tailandia, espero que te vaya muy bien, un saludo.

  7. spacer

    Luis says:

    28 Aug, 2008


    Hola, he estado mirando con detalle tu web y te felicito porque me parece buena: sencilla y elegante.

    Saludos de Luis (amigo de Carlos).

  8. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    9 Sep, 2008


    Non, pas très souvent. Une fois par an seulement

  9. spacer

    Grégoire says:

    9 Sep, 2008


    Salut Jérémie,
    D’abord merci pour la qualité et la finesse de ton travail. Je suis graphiste et éditeur et me consacre entièrement aux CSS en ce moment. Je crois avoir trouvé un maître -).
    Meilleurs voeux à toi et à ton épouse pour la Thaïlande. J’ai apris le thai et ai vécu là-bas. J’adore ce pays. Par contre, comme mon épouse est taïwanaise, nous nous dirigeons plus vers la Chine ou Taïwan désormais. Si je repars en Thaïlande pour un séjour, je te fais signe.
    Sinon, j’ai 38 ans et vis à Paris.
    Bien à toi,

  10. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    9 Sep, 2008


    Merci Grégoire.

    Où est-ce que tu as vécu en Thaïlande? T’étais resté combien de temps là-bas?

  11. spacer

    Grégoire says:

    9 Sep, 2008


    Je suis resté 7 mois et principalement à Bangkok. J’ai beaucoup dessiné et j’ai enseigné le français à Chandrakasem, l’université à côté de Chatuchak (le grand marché du nord de Bangkok). Sinon, j’adore la région d’Isan, dans le nord, au bord du Mékong.
    Tu rentres en France de temps en temps ?

  12. spacer

    Grégoire says:

    9 Sep, 2008


    On se croisera peut être en Thailande. Tu vivras dans quel coin ?

  13. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    9 Sep, 2008


    Toute la famille de ma femme vit à Bangkok donc nous installerons là-bas dans un premier temps. Nous verrons après.

  14. spacer

    ekkalak says:

    15 Oct, 2008


    Bonjours,vous aimez bien la Thailande, c’est une bonne nouvelle ça.
    moi aussi j’aime bien la France, actuellement je fais mes études en multimédia à montbeliard, je suis en France depuis 2004, j’apprends pas mal de choses. J’adore surtout la technologie ici ainsi que la culture française.

    à bientôt..

  15. spacer

    moneymanager says:

    23 Oct, 2008


    hi friend
    nice blog you got here
    well i dont knoow spanish
    just two lines
    hola amiga,coma esta
    was it correct? lol

  16. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    23 Oct, 2008


    Almost correct! spacer You should say “Hola amigo ¿como estas?”

  17. spacer

    matt says:

    16 Dec, 2008


    I noticed your uri has index.php/ in it.

    What php framework are you using? I’ve noticed that codeigniter does this out of the box, but I don’t know if any of the others (cakePHP, etc.) do this as well.

    anyway, cool site, good work, and please let us know how the move to thailand goes! i’ve always been interested in the place!

  18. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    16 Dec, 2008


    No, no PHP frameworks. It is WordPress.

    I will be in Thailand the 14th of January. Right now, I am packing my bags and trying to pay all the bills before I leave. I sold most of my stuffs to my friends, painted the walls, organised a few goodbye parties (still a few more coming soon)… I am wishing to be in Thailand already spacer

  19. spacer

    Krish says:

    26 Dec, 2008


    which technology did u used in jirattaya.com for changing the arts???
    It’s a cool site, good work, and please let me know the idea you used there.
    anyway, have a nice days in thailand!.I’ve always been interested in the place!

  20. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    26 Dec, 2008


    I am using the plugin NextGEN FlashViewer which integrate SimpleViewer.

  21. spacer

    Ann says:

    20 Feb, 2009


    Hi Jeremie,
    I am using one of your wordpress templates that uses mootools.  For some reason the logout does not work.  Is there something that needs to be modified in the .js file.  I have release 1.11

  22. spacer

    Jeremie Tisseau says:

    21 Feb, 2009


    Are you trying to install NightTransition in WordPress 2.7? PHP tags changed in WordPress 2.7 and the login slider is not working anymore.  Please read comments here.

    This is something I will have to update but… well, so many things to do and WordPress team releases a new version every 6 months! That makes it very difficult to keep my themes up to date. If anyone wants to contribute to my themes, you will be most welcome to join me! spacer

  23. spacer

    Witold Sokołowski says:

    30 Mar, 2009


    I like your wesite. It’s nice and friendly spacer

  24. spacer

    Pedro says:

    2 Apr, 2009


    Hola amigo, me ha servido mucho todo lo que has publidcado en tu website, de verdad es un ejemplo muy bueno de lo que hay que hacer en la web.
    Por otro lado me gustaría ofrecerte mis servicios de diseño, para futuros proyectos que tengas me encantaría porder colaborar contigo.

  25. spacer

    Albi says:

    4 Jun, 2009


    Et ben dis donc, je vous admire, vous parlez le français, l’anglais, l’espagnol et vous aprennez le Thai.
    Moi cela fait presque 30 ans que je vis en Allemagne, je parle toujours pas bien l’allemand, j’ai perdu mon français et ainsi que l’espagnol.
    Bon au bout de 3 semaines en France cela revient mais tout doucement.