Pick Your Focus

Have you ever biked on a trail or gone snow-skiing? There’s a rule each novice should learn before her first trip. What you focus on picks your path. If you stare at a big rock, you will hit it. If you focus on the ditch ahead, you will fall into it. To avoid pain, the Continue »

Invisible Ministry

Missionaries, foster and adoptive families, pastors… It’s easy to recognize their “calling.” They are making a big impact in God’s kingdom! We love to read stories on social media of public servants helping the homeless, our teens serving on mission trips, of God creating a new family through adoption. How quickly we compare ourselves to Continue »

Five Truths to Teach My Daughter Before Kindergarten

A few months ago, I wrote a post about savoring the last year with my daughter at home before she starts kindergarten. I like to think that, so far, we have done that. We’ve taken trips and made cookies and had parties and played dollhouse innumerable times. Now we have just five months (Oh my! Continue »

Mean Girls

“Nobody wants to play with me.” “She won’t be my friend.” My heart was broken on hearing these words from my teary-eyed granddaughter. She felt dejected. The old nursery rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” is cute but is not true. My little granddaughter can attest that Continue »

Confronting the Comparison Trap

“She always gets to go first. You never let me…” “He has this new Xbox game. Why won’t you get it for me?” “Everyone else gets to go see that movie; why can’t I?” “He’s always the star and I’m usually on the bench.” Sound familiar? Ever since Adam and Eve, we’ve always wanted what Continue »