
Some of the information contained in the website is based on professional advice and opinion; some information is supplied by third party sources. The Institute has used its best efforts to accurately transcribe this information into the website but cannot guarantee that the original information as supplied by others is correct or complete, or that it was accurately transcribed by Sabin. While we use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information on our site, Sabin makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Information contained on this website should not be considered medical guidance or professional advice. The Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute, Inc. and its directors, officers, staff, advisors and other representatives involved in the preparation of this website, are not responsible for any errors provided on this site or any actions resulting from the use of such information. Visitors to our site are encouraged to confirm the information contained within the website with other reliable sources and to address any questions concerning their personal health to a licensed physician or other appropriate health care professional. If you come upon information on our website that is outdated or you believe is inaccurate, please e-mail us at sabin@sabin.org so that we may consider appropriate changes.

Privacy Statement

The privacy of visitors to our website is of utmost concern to us. We do not sell, share or distribute information of visitors to the Sabin website. The Sabin Vaccine Institute may use the information you provide to notify you about Institute programs and activities, or to respond to specific questions or requests by you. Donors are asked to provide information that is kept on a proprietary database, and this information will not be shared with or sold to other organizations.


The Sabin Vaccine Institute website contains links to other related sites. Please be aware that these links are provided as a service to our visitors, and our privacy policy does not apply to these linked sites. We encourage our visitors to review the privacy statements of any other linked website. This privacy statement applies solely to the information collected by Sabin.