Why it’s hard to find Android developers

Alessandro Crugnola android, Blog android, ios, job, new york, startups, tech

I’m an Android developer (at Aviary) and a New Yorker since late 2010. I’ve been also an actionscript and python developer for more than 10 years.

I hear this every day. Your New York based company is desperately looking for an Android developer, and it’s damn hard to find one.

And you know what? This is your fault. I mean you, tech startup. Yes, you.

Almost all the startups I know here in NYC have launched their core product for iOS first (most of the PMs I’ve spoken with have said that was because of lack of people or time). And then, maybe, if there’s time… they start to realize they need to have an Android version of their app. But by this point the job is not to “create” something, it’s just a “porting” job. Which, for obvious reasons, is a much less attractive job for developers, just as it would be for a PM or a designer. Continue reading


Android – Create a Vignette effect

Alessandro Crugnola android android, github, matrix, radialgradient, shader, vignette, xfermode

Let’s say you want to want to dynamically apply a “vignette” on an ImageView.
Something like this:


These are basically 4 steps we need in order to accomplish the task:

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Floating Action Menu for Android

Alessandro Crugnola android android, github, opensource

I’ve just created this simple Android library, inspired from the recent changes to the Google+ app, which introduced a floating action item to the bottom. In G+ the action item appears and disappears based on the page scrolling.

In the same way I’ve created this library, with some more customization options, like the gravity and direction of the floating menu items.

Here’s a video of a sample implementation:

Source code and documentation can be find on the github project page:


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java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError workaround

Alessandro Crugnola android android, bug, chromium, packagemanager, UnsatisfiedLinkError, workaround, xperia

If you ever worked with native shared libraries in Android you’ve probably already faced the “java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError” java exception which randomly seems to happen on certain devices ( actually it’s happening on xperia phones mostly, based on my reports ).
There are a bunch of bug reports in the android project like this: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=35962 or this https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=64111.
The problem is that Google basically marked all of them as “resolved”, even if developers are still complaining about it.

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