Baby at 35

I was 24 when I had my amazing daughter Emma.  She is 12 now.  It seems like so long ago, like a different life ago.  Looking back it really was a different lifetime. I was so young (didn’t think so then). We had just moved from a large city to a small town (I live in a city again).  I was a floral designer (now I am a Human Resources Manager) and I didn’t have the family and friend support that I have now either. Yes things are much different now.

Now I am 35 and have a 12 year old daughter and 6 month old son, Elias. Needless to say, these past 6 months have been a whirlwind of joy, fear, love, sore boobs, sleeplessness, laughter, tears, doubt, frustration, kisses and diapers just to name a few things.  I know I will forget most of all that has happened, good and the bad.  I hate knowing that.  And I know it will happen because it happened with Emma and I didn’t even realize it until I had to make myself try and remember things this time around with Elias.  Things like: how much did Emma sleep and when?, how much and how often did she breastfeed?, did I bath her everyday?, when was her first tooth?.  I had to try and remember these things so that I could be a better parent to Elias… well and also my husband kept saying, “well didn’t you do this with Emma?” And all I could say alot of the times was that I couldn’t really remember.  The things I could remember, I could remember very clearly.  Like she didn’t take a bottle EVER.  She went right to a sippy cup at 10 months old when I weaned her and she began to walk. She had colic and cried almost solid for the first few months. She barely slept at the beginning. But then for the life of me can I remember when she started sleeping through the night and how I felt about it? Nope. I feel like a bad parent… like how can I NOT remember these things.  Sheesh.  Especially since these things seem so important to me right now with Elias.

So I guess that is one of the reasons that I have started this blog.  Hopefully I can document some of these things more easily going forward.  Back in 1997 when I was pregnant and my daughter was born there wasn’t this internet thing, no “Google” and I sure didn’t have a computer in my home. Pretty much ignorance was bliss.  I couldn’t Google every little thing and then worry about what I found out.  This time around though… can you say information overload?  Which has it’s good points and bad ones.  You just have to learn to weed through the fluff.  Just like life, I guess.  You have to weed through the fluff sometimes in order to get to the good stuff.  I am pretty sure I am at the good stuff now!

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