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Mazes and bytes [Jan. 6th, 2013|12:28 am]
spacer spacer spacer spacer
[Tags|asm, maze, ms-dos, optimization, qkumba, trixter]
[Current Mood |spacer amused]

Trixter done it in 13 bytes, Qkumba in 12. Choping away another one:
init:	mov	al, '\'
	jp	writec
	mov	al, '/'
writec:	int	29h
	jmp	init
11! ;-) Peter - 10:
init:	scasb
	and	al,'\'-'/'
	add	al,'/'
Awesome! :-)
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From:spacer moonofnovember.livejournal.com
Date:January 7th, 2013 - 08:27 am

ultra-hardcore - BASIC

10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1));: GOTO 10
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From:spacer trixter.oldskool.org
Date:January 7th, 2013 - 04:21 pm


I completely forgot about DOS write char! I've been working on selfbooters recently so I never gave it a thought...
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