BloggerCon 2003

The BloggerCon 2003 Weblog informs us of the upcoming blogger conference at Harvard University on October 4th, hosted by Dave Winer and his team.
My partner who is soon starting her masterthesis at the University of Twente, communicational sciences department, had some difficulty introducing ‘blogs’ as a possible part of her thesis to her mentors. “What do we need on-line diaries for?” Well as a place to chronicle ones progress, for instance, which my partner intends to do in her own blog. So I guess she will be contacting Lilia Efimova, who works at the Telematica Institute on the university grounds as well, and of course tell her mentors that “even Harvard is doing it.”
Dave Winer asked for references to educational bloggers, so I pointed towards Sebastian Fiedler and Oliver Wrede and to the new media team at the Donau University Krems who hosted the Blogtalk Conference in Vienna last month.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on by Ton Zijlstra.

One thought on “BloggerCon 2003

  1. spacer Lilia

    Ton, I’m ready to help. May be we can make a presentation about blogs in Elmine’s department spacer
    Do you remember that we were planning for a dinner? :)))

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