
Five Blog Posts Worth Reading – December 2012

by Chris Reimer on Tuesday, December 4th, 2012 in Resources, Social Media

Playing the role of Internet DJ, here are five blog posts worth your time:

Ten Things Entrepreneurs Should Be Tweeting About – This is a great list of subject matters you can begin tweeting about today. I previously offered a list of 50, but Lewis’ list offers a few I had not considered, such as tweeting a nugget of wisdom from a book you’re reading. Consult these two blog posts the next time you have Twitter writer’s block.

Business Lessons From a Former Gang Member – My favorite tip was “Make people earn your trust.” When it comes to both business and life, I’m very glass-is-half-full. Mr. Blair advises against the natural inclination to trust the nice people you’re meeting. Test their intentions and work to identify their motives.

Why The Microsoft Surface is Doomed – We’re an Apple house, touching a PC only when platform and browser testing a website we’ve built. The author is no fan of Windows, answering the “what’s the alternative” question with “Anything other than the Surface.” Ouch.

Social Media and the Boardroom – Critical Questions Directors Need to Ask – We work every day to convince large corporations that it’s time to begin using social media to advance your business agenda. Clients like Belden really get that. My favorite question is the simplest one to answer: #2 – How are our competitors utilizing social media? That’s often a good wakeup call for companies that have not started using social media.

Your 2013 Social Media Strategy – Grow a Pair – Mark is one of my favorite bloggers, and here, he brilliantly lays out the case for starting … procrastinating is over, excuses are out the window. There is nary a business that can’t benefit from a deeper, more meaningful relationship with its customers and prospects, and there is nary a business that can’t tell great stories about its processes, beliefs and employees. If you haven’t started using social media, now is the time. And as the doctor says, “Help is available.”

Tags: Belden, board of directors, Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc Magazine, Lewis Howes, Mark Schaefer, Microsoft Surface, Top 10 Tweets, Top 50 Tweets, tweets businesses should be doing

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