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Redistricting 2011

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What is redistricting?
Every ten years, the Federal Government conducts a census to determine the number of individuals living in the United States. After the census is completed, the Charter requires the Director of Elections to determine whether the existing supervisorial districts meet the legal requirements established by federal, state and local law. If the existing supervisorial districts no longer comply with these legal requirements, the Charter requires the Board of Supervisors to convene an Elections Task Force to redraw the supervisorial district lines. The process of redrawing the supervisorial district lines is known as redistricting. The Director of Elections has not yet made this determination (as of March 28, 2011), but in the event that he finds that the districts must be redrawn and if the Board of Supervisors convenes a task force, the Elections Commission wants to find outstanding candidates as quickly as possible.

How Does Redistricting Work?
If convened, the Elections Task Force will consist of nine members. The Mayor, the Board of Supervisors and the Elections Commission each appoint three members. These nine individuals work with City staff and outside consultants to determine how the supervisorial district lines should be redrawn so that the districts comply with the legal requirements established in federal, state and local law. As part of this process, the Elections Task Force holds multiple community hearings to receive input from the people of San Francisco. Throughout this process and based on community input, the Elections Task Force will make several changes to the existing supervisorial district lines. The Elections Task Force must present a final plan outlining the new supervisorial district lines to the Board of Supervisors in April 2012.

What are the legal requirements for supervisorial districts?
The members of the Elections Task Force must consider federal, state and local legal requirements when redrawing supervisorial district lines. For more on these legal requirements, please see www.sfgov2.org/index.aspx?page=270



What are the criteria for appointment to the task force?

Each of the three appointing authorities – the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, and the Elections Commission – probably have different criteria. By unanimous approval at the March 16, 2011, meeting of the Elections Commission, it has selected the following minimum criteria for its three appointments.  Applicants must:



(1)   Be registered to vote in San Francisco and have voted in San Francisco at least once since January 1, 2006;




(2)   Represent San Francisco’s diverse population; 



(3)   Have not been paid by a political campaign since January 1, 2006;




(4)   Not currently a direct-hire employee of an elected official of the City and County of San Francisco;




(5)   Have general knowledge of San Francisco’s neighborhoods and geography;




(6)   Have flexible schedule for attending meetings; and




(7)   Not have a conflict of interest that is prohibited under conflict laws applicable to other City officers.



How can I apply to be appointed by the Elections Commission?

The Elections Commission invites applicants to send a letter that includes the following information:


  1. A statement confirming that you fit all of the seven minimum criteria stated above; and
  2. A statement of interest, explaining why you want to serve and what your qualifications are; and
  3. A statement confirming that you have enough time to attend the meetings of the task force; and
  4. A resume, and/or a statement of relevant background.


You may send your application by email to Gail.Hilliard@sfgov.org (please put “Redistricting Task Force” in the subject line) or by mail or personal delivery to the Elections Commission, City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 048, San Francisco, CA 94102.



Deadline for applications is April 29, 2011, at 5:00 p.m.


What happens next?

The Elections Commission intends to hold a special meeting on Wednesday, May 4, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall (room to be determined) to discuss the applications and interview applicants. Applicants should attend this meeting.


Following this, the Elections Commission might consider the applications at its regular meeting on May 18, 2011, and intends to make its three selections at its regular meeting on June 15, 2011.


Obviously, in the event that the Board of Supervisors does not convene a Redistricting Task Force, then none of these appointments shall have any effect.


If I have questions?

Please call or email the Elections Commission’s acting secretary, Gail Hilliard at Gail.Hilliard@sfgov.org (please put “Redistricting Task Force” in the subject line) or 415.554.7494.


















Last updated: 7/2/2014 11:35:55 AM
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