
About FreeBSDNews.com

FreeBSDNews.com (formerly FreeBSDNews.net) was founded in 2007 by Gerard van Essen. In 2014, iXsystems, also a long-time sponsor of the site, acquired partnership and agreed to maintain and host the website.

iXsystems is a Silicon Valley open source server and storage integrator that champions the cause of Open Source technology. FreeBSD is a cause that is near and dear to our hearts, and we have dedicated extensive resources to several FreeBSD community projects: FreeNAS®, PC-BSD®, FreeBSD®, TrueOS®, and OpenZFS.

With the FreeBSD community’s best interests in mind, we hope to continue to deliver high quality content regarding FreeBSD events, project announcements, interviews, and everything in between.

We are excited about making your experience with FreeBSDNews.net the best possible, by bringing you the most up to date news on everything FreeBSD.


A Message from Gerard:

If you’ve come to this page,

  1. you’re probably interested in BSD/UNIX systems in general and maybe FreeBSD in particular,
  2. you want to learn more about FreeBSD and/or
  3. you want to stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments

For those unfamiliar with FreeBSD, FreeBSD is a free, open-source and UNIX-like operating system. Though relatively unknown, it’s  a versatile and powerful work-horse, capable of coping with massive workloads whilst remaining fast, ultra-stable and rock-solid.

By blogging about FreeBSD and operating systems based on it and by providing news and updates, I’d like to generate more interest in the family of BSD operating systems and hopefully take away some of the myths around FreeBSD. I’ll be sharing howto’s, notes, linking to reviews, and pointing to websites that you may find useful. Basically, spreading the word.

With this blog we want to generate more interest in FreeBSD as a server/desktop operating system and try to raise its profile to those who are looking for an alternative for Windows. FreeBSD is a viable and perfect alternative to Windows and Linux, and in some cases maybe even superior. If you need a safe, rock-solid, performing and secure system for your desktop or server, you should definitely consider deploying FreeBSD!

This website tracks news around the development of FreeBSD and operating systems based on it:

Great systems and proud members of the FreeBSD Family.

You may wonder, why is this blog called “FreeBSD – the unknown Giant”? Good question! To be honest, this is not a title that I’ve come up with, it’s what IBM has said about FreeBSD:

The FreeBSD operating system is the unknown giant among free operating systems. Starting out from the 386BSD project, it is an extremely fast UNIX®-like operating system mostly for the Intel® chip and its clones. In many ways, FreeBSD has always been the operating system that GNU/Linux®-based operating systems should have been. It runs on out-of-date Intel machines and 64-bit AMD chips, and it serves terabytes of files a day on some of the largest file servers on earth.

You may contact us and connect with us on on social networks. You may subscribe to our RSS feed, comments feed or subscribe to delivery-by-email.

Feel free to contribute by emailing stories, leave comments on posts, leave feedback or to contact us with suggestions.


Many thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoy reading it, and please let me know if you know of any way to make this the best BSD website.

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