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Why Attend

About Convolution

Convolution is about the business of being a fan, while providing fun events for everyone that enjoys sci-fi, fantasy and fictional media. Chances are you’ve seen a movie, tv show, or read something that is part of speculative fiction. Geeks are no longer a niche market – they are part of every media format, and their enthusiasm has become so widespread that the news regularly covers their exploits.

We are here to encourage our community to engage with their interests, whatever they may be. Want to write a novel? We have a room for NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month, so you can get some quiet time to finish that novel. Are you into art? We have a Gallery for you to find unique pieces, and workshops that focus on crafts and artistic endeavors you can take home with you.

It doesn’t end there. Perhaps youre into podcasting, making your own movies, costuming, or collecting. We have panels and workshops that cover those things too!

Amazing Programming


Convolution seeks to help artists of all kinds take their art to the next level. We want to offer programming and space for local artists to come together, develop their skills, and network.


This year’s theme of worlds of dreams leads Convolution to ask: what happens when we dream? We seek to have sleep and dream experts come in and talk about the science of sleep. We’ll also have other professionals in a variety of fields to discuss various other topics.


Convolution wants to help authors, new or experienced, develop their craft and reach the next level in their writing. We’ll offer space and motivation for our attendees participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). We’ll also have opportunities for writers to meet and listen to authors and publishers on how to get from the idea of a story all the way to getting it out there for the world to see.


Sometimes its just not enough to attend a how-to panel. Convolution offers various workshops that will allow you not just to learn how to make something, but you get to take it home at the end of the weekend.


Aside from readings and demonstrations Convolution will also provide live musical performances and stage shows.

From Our Guests & Attendees

“Convolution 2012 staff and attendees are the sort of fan that every author, artist, or game designer deserves: passionate, eager, friendly, and able. I had a wonderful time and hope to return to future ‘volutions.”

- Steve Berman, 2012 Guest of Honor, Author, Editor, Publisher

“Convolution is a small but packed convention. It’s got all kinds of writing / gaming / podcasts / costuming tracks. The GoHs are the Frouds, the Pinis, and Richard Kadrey. It’s going to be hard-boiled fairies! The dealers room is eclectic. The hotel is well laid out and easy to get to.”

- Jennifer Brozek, 2012 Featured Guest, Author, Editor

“Many cons have great programming. A lot of cons draw great people. Bunches of cons have both, but Convolution has both and an attitude that embraces what fandom is today and what it’s gonna be tomorrow.”

- Christopher Garcia, Creator of the Hugo Award Winning Fanzine “The Drink Tank”

Submit Your Own!Submission Form

We encourage everyone to share their inspiration, stories or reasons for attending Convolution. It’s all about community so tell your friends why they should attend the next event.

Our 2012  Video

Last year’s Assistant Director of Business Services explains how you may be a fan of the Science Fiction / Fantasy genre, and why you should have attended our first convention in 2012. Fret not! 2013′s event is just around the corner!

Recent Updates

  • Overflow Hotel Available!
  • Featured Event: Nightbreed- The Cabal Cut Screening
  • Featured Guest: Tricky Pixie
  • Kickstarter: The Goblin King’s Ball
  • Featured Guest: Ivan Van Norman is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.