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NRA Recruiter Email Updates

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Please make sure any spam filtering software, whether from your ISP or your own personal software is set to allow E-Mail from For assistance in setting this up, please contact your ISP if it is ISP filtering or your documentation for your personal filtering software.

If you are using AOL, Yahoo, MSN, or Hotmail you may want to check your Junk Mail or Bulk Items folder. Sometimes these services will route our email alerts to these folders. If you are using Earthlink's spamBlocker you will need to add the above domain to your allowed senders list.

To help us diagnose this problem, please contact your ISP and ask them the following:

  • Have they made any recent changes to their service regarding spam filtering? Check if email from the domains listed above is getting caught in their spam filters.
  • If possible, please exclude our email address from their spam filter so you can receive our alerts. Inform them that our email alerts are opt-in alerts so we are not spamming people.
  • Ask them to provide information about any blacklist sites they subscribe to so we can take the appropriate steps to have our email address removed if it is on the list.

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