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One whole blood donation can save and enhance the lives of up to three patients.


News Release July 20, 2012


To the Colorado Community:

Our community experienced a horrible tragedy on Friday, July 20 that required quick action from many including those of us at Bonfils Blood Center.  The first responders including police officers, fire fighters, EMTs and hospital personnel that were managing the chaos at the scene and treating injured victims at healthcare facilities are to be commended.

In the early morning hours of July 20, Bonfils shipped nearly 350 units of blood to the five local hospitals that were treating patients involved in the incident.  In the hours and days following this terrifying event, Coloradoans showed their overwhelming support and began the healing process by filling our donor centers and blood drives. 

As so many of us witnessed, Bonfils Blood Center was an extraordinary place to be in the aftermath of the tragedy.  We were privileged to experience the desire of so many to do something good in the face of adversity.   We saw the same response after the Columbine shootings, 9/11 and other tragedies. 

We are extremely grateful for those who come out to give blood to replenish the supply or make financial contributions in the wake of a disaster and we are indebted to those who made their donations prior to these unexpected events as it is the blood already on the shelves that is used to treat victims and save lives in emergency situations. 

Next month, after nearly 21 years with Bonfils, I will retire and leave Bonfils Blood Center as its President and CEO and I will take with me sincere appreciation and respect for the partnership the blood center has with this community.  Bryan A. Krueger will take the helm of the blood center bringing with him more than three decades of experience in the blood management and healthcare industries. 

I am confident that our legacy of meeting the daily and emergent blood supply needs of local hospitals and fulfilling our mission to save and enhance lives through transfusion medicine excellence will continue. 

Our hearts go out to the victims and their loved ones and our heartfelt thanks goes out to Coloradoans who time and time again show their compassion and selfless dedication by supporting Bonfils Blood Center and other nonprofits.  We ask that if you were inspired to give blood, give money or give your time in honor of the victims that you don’t forget the feeling that moved you to act. Please continue to do those things throughout the year and always as there is a constant need.


Thomas C. Puckett
Bonfils Blood Center

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