November 19, 2008

Posted by John

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Delayed Gratification with Rails

I realized when I started taking suggestions that I would not be able to do them all justice, so I asked a few of my friends to be guest authors. Daniel Morrison, of Collective Idea, is the first and will be showing a few ways he has used delayed job to offload tasks to the background. Without any further ado, here is Dan.

At Collective Idea, we started using delayed_job a few months ago, and have fallen in love with its simplicity. In fact, my first implementation of it was done and tested on a quick train ride to Chicago, with time to spare.

So it’s easy?

Yep, you can add delayed_job in 10 minutes or less.

Getting Started

Install the plugin, which is available on GitHub.

Then build & run a migration to add the delayed_jobs table:

create_table :delayed_jobs, :force => true do |table|
  table.integer  :priority, :default => 0
  table.integer  :attempts, :default => 0
  table.text     :handler
  table.string   :last_error
  table.datetime :run_at
  table.datetime :locked_at
  table.datetime :failed_at
  table.string   :locked_by

(In the future there will be a generator for this step. Tobi, please merge some of the forks!)

Run your jobs

The rest of the article will focus on creating jobs, but when you want to run them, you can simply run rake jobs:work

The job runner will grab a few jobs and run them one at a time. It locks them so that multiple runners won’t conflict, and it will retry jobs a number of times if it fails for some reason. If it does fail, it stores the most recent error message. Play around in script/console with the Delayed::Job model to see how it works.

There are some other ways to run jobs in production in some of the forks on github. Collective Idea’s for example, adds script/delayed_job. The rake task will work for now though.

Example 1: Delay Something

Now the fun part: pick something to delay. A great place for delay is email. I’ve seen places where apps have broken due to email not being able to send. Maybe the client changed their email server and didn’t tell the programmer, or maybe the mail server was temporarily down for maintenance. Either way, it generally shouldn’t stop our app.

Here’s a common controller pattern for a contact form:

def create
  @contact_form =[:contact_form])

    flash[:notice] = 'Your feedback has been sent. Thanks for contacting us!'
    redirect_to @contact_form
    render :action => "new"

The problem is that if the mailer fails due to outside circumstances, we’re throwing an error. We could rescue from that, but since there’s nothing the user can do, we shouldn’t involve them.

Instead, let’s send email as a delayed_job, which will retry on failure and also keep track of the last error it sees.

Here’s the refactored action:

def create
  @contact_form =[:contact_form])

    flash[:notice] = 'Your feedback has been sent. Thanks for contacting us!'
    </code><code>ContactMailer.send_later(:deliver_contact_request, @contact_form)</code><code>
    redirect_to @contact_form
    render :action => "new"

That’s it! send_later works just like send, but magically turns it into a delayed_job. Now our user can keep clicking through the app, and the email will send in a few seconds.

Example 2: A more complex example.

My first use of delayed_job was a large import process that could take 5 minutes or more. What’s going on here is the user uploads a large CSV file that we then processed the crap out of, adding hundreds or thousands of rows to different tables.

In my controller, I had something along these lines:

def update
  @item = Item.find(params[:id])
  if @item.update_attributes(params[:item])
    redirect_to @item
    render :action => 'edit'

The problem here is the browser has to sit and wait until the import! method finishes. Not good. There’s no need for the user to wait for the import. We can give them a message in the interface that the import is still in-progress.

So change the controller method above to this:

def update
  @item = Item.find(params[:id])
  if @item.update_attributes(params[:item])
    redirect_to @item
    render :action => 'edit'

ImportJob is a simple class I’ve defined and tossed in the lib/ directory.

class ImportJob
  attr_accessor :import_file_id
  def initialize(import_file)
    self.import_file_id =
  def perform
    import_file = ImportFile.find(import_file_id)

Again, that’s it! Our ImportJob, holding our ImportFile (which is an ActiveRecord object, using attachment_fu) is added to the queue. When we pop it off the queue later, the perform method is called, which does our import. My complete! method sets a completed_at flag so I can tell the user that we’re done.

My real code is a bit more complex, but hopefully you can see how this style can by used for doing multi-step jobs.

Example 3: Tiny but useful.

The import job above adds a lot (hundreds) of locations to this app that will show up on a map eventually. I’m using acts_as_geocodable (because it’s awesome) to geocode the addresses via Google & Yahoo, but I don’t need that info right away, and I don’t need it holding up the imports.

acts_as_geocodable does its work by adding an after_filter :attach_geocode automatically to the model you specify.

So for my app, I changed it from an after_filter to a delayed_job.

Here’s all the code it took:

class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
  # some code removed for clarity
  </code><code>def attach_geocode_with_delay
  alias_method_chain :attach_geocode, :delay</code><code>

Very fun.

Your turn

There’s really not much more to delayed_job than that. Its simplicity is what makes it great. So go and delay something already!

Tags: background jobs, collectiveidea, delayed_job, performance, and plugins


  1. spacer WT

    Nov 23, 2008

    I tried to use the plugin with the UserMailer for restful_authentication. So



    UserMailer.send_later(:deliver_signup_notification, user)

    However, I’m gettting this error:

    undefined method `deliver_signup_notification’ for #<struct Delayed::PerformableMethod object=nil, method=nil, args=nil>

    The cause is that UserMailer doesn’t respond_to :deliver_signup_notification, even if it supposes to.

    Could this be caused by the order in which action_mailer and delayed_job are loaded? all the deliver_* methods are turned into UserMailer class methods from install methods, …

  2. spacer Daniel Morrison

    Nov 24, 2008

    WT: I just whipped up a quick test app (Rails 2.2.2) to make sure this works, and I didn’t have any problems.

    The problem shows up when you run the jobs? Are you using the rake task? What version of Rails?

    Let me know, and I’ll see what I can do to help.

  3. spacer Marshall

    Nov 24, 2008

    Once the jobs are queued how do you recommend executing them…cronjob?

  4. spacer John Nunemaker

    Nov 24, 2008

    @Marshall – If you install Collective Idea’s version, you get a generator that outputs a script you can run to start and stop the consuming of the queue. The readme in their version shows how to use the generated script.

  5. spacer WT

    Nov 26, 2008

    Thanks, Daniel. Upgrading to latest 2.2.2 solved the problem. I was on 2.1.1.

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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a web developer and programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Ruby. More about John.

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