
Granite Data Services

The Event-Driven, Cross-Framework, Application Client Container


GraniteDS is used in critical applications by thousands of companies of all sizes and provides responsive professional support and on-demand consulting.


GraniteDS is fully Open-Source, community-driven and published in a public repository on Github. See our licenses page for more details.

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Powerful Client Framework

A client development framework (Tide) that brings familiar Java EE concepts to the client side: dependency injection, context management, authentication and secured access, bean validation, etc.

Cross Client Technologies

You freely choose between Oracle JavaFX, Apache Flex or Google Android as your preferred client application framework: whatever is the technology it relies on, your application will be able to fully leverage the same GraniteDS server backend.


Whatever is the client and server frameworks you develop your application with, you can be sure to leverage the most advanced features of each of them: GraniteDS never tries to compromise to a subset of common basic features.

Code Generation Tools

Code generation tools that dramatically cut development time by replicating your server-side data model and service API to the client-side: calling remote services from your client application is always type-safe, enabling early compilation checking.

Cross Devices

With GraniteDS, you can develop applications for almost any kind of target devices: Desktop (Flex/AIR or JavaFX); RIA through Web browsers (Flex or JavaFX); Mobile applications (Flex/AIR for iOS and Android, GraniteDS/Android for native application).


GraniteDS provides efficient binary serialization formats (AMF and JMF) that reduce bandwidth usage and serialization time: your client application receives data as fast and as small as possible, from simple text to complex data structures.

Easy Configuration

Simplified configuration through runtime scanning of your deployment environment: no need to maintain long configuration files, you just focus on the most important part of your code, data and logic.

Cross Java EE Framewoks

GraniteDS provides a comprehensive integration with all major Java EE application servers, frameworks and JPA engines: Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, GlassFish, WebLogic and WebSphere; Spring, EJB, CDI, JBoss Seam; Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA and DataNucleus.


Its powerful real-time module (Gravity), based on Comet, WebSocket or UDP implementations, allows scalable and responsive data push. With the help of our Tide framework, it only costs a Java annotation to enable concurrent modifications to be instantly dispatched to all connected clients.

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