RapsberryPi and File Transporter Fun

/ George Starcher" rel="author">George Starcher / General

I wanted to mount some external storage on my Raspi. I had thought about a USB drive etc. Then it occurred to me I had a better solution.

I have a FileTransporter on the same network as my Raspi. Here is how I hooked it up.

Preparing the Transporter

First log into your Transporter admin site. And go to your transporters.

Choose the desired unit if you have more than one.
Choose Advanced on the right side and go into the SMF/CIFS section.


If SMB/CIFS is not enabled. Check that box to turn it on.

Then I chose to enable the “second login” option and name the user raspi.
I entered a reasonable password and that has the Transporter ready for the Raspi to connect.


Configuring the Raspi

Log into the Raspi.
Create a folder in your home directory:

mkdir transporter

Set the folder permissions:

chmod 777 transporter

We need to setup a credentials file:

sudo su -

While escalated to root:

vi smbcreds

Edit the file to be as follows, substituting in the password and username you setup as the second smb login on the raspi

Save the file and exit.
Exit again to return to the pi user account from root.

Next we need to edit fstab to mount the drive to the transporter folder:

sudo vi /etc/fstab

Add the following line to your fstab. You will need to substitute the ipaddress, Name of the transporter, username and password from the transporter.
//ipaddress/nameoftransporter /home/pi/transporter cifs auto,credentials=/root/smbcreds,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777

Finishing up

Now just execute the command:

sudo mount -a

You should be able to change into the transporter directory and find all the folders you have existing on your transporter. From now on if you restart your raspi it will auto mount the transporter.

If you set your rapsi to write any files to one of those folders it will now be automatically distributed to all other transporters sharing that folder. If you have other remote raspis and they have access to a transporter you now wide large distributed storage across them. Maybe one pi grabs photos and another elsewhere displays them.


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FileTransporter, gadgets, RaspberryPi

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