


"Block Chord Styles"



     Do the jazz styles of the top artists turn you on? Do you get Goosebumps when you hear your favorite jazz pianist play a "locked-hand" passage?

     There are several varieties of block chord styles, including the style made famous by George Shearing, the blind pianist from England. Shearing gets that distinctive sound by playing the melody in both hands and octave apart, with chords under the right hand melody while playing the left hand melody a little stronger than the right hand.

If you're into playing the great jazz standards, then you'll treasure this DVD! First Duane covers the "locked-hand" style in detail, showing you each technique close up so you can see as well as hear. Then he demonstrates the big block-chord styles used by many of the jazz greats, and shows you exactly how that sound is created.


"Block Chord Styles"


DVD only -- all instruction is visual on the DVD

DVD-18  $67.




Copyright 2008 by Shinn Trading Inc.

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