
Center for Technology and Society @ FGV Law School, Rio

The Center for Technology and Society at FGV Law School, Rio de Janeiro (CTS-FGV), was founded in 2002 to investigate problems related to the interplay between law, technology and society, with a focus on intellectual property rights and policy analysis. CTS-FGV has developed several research and educational projects, dealing with subjects such as copyright law, open licensing, free software, open business models, Internet governance and privacy.

PIJIP @ American University

American University Washington College of Law’s Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP) was organized in 2006 to coordinate education, research and advocacy promoting the public interest in intellectual property and information law. PIJIP houses one of the first intellectual property law clinics in the United States – the Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Law Clinic. PIJIP’s faculty is one of the largest intellectual property law faculties in world, and is particularly recognized for contributions to public interest scholarship and advocacy.

The American Assembly

The American Assembly, a national, non-partisan public affairs forum, illuminates issues of public policy by commissioning and issuing research and publications and sponsoring meetings.

The American Assembly’s projects bring together leading authorities representing a broad spectrum of views and interests. American Assembly reports and other publications are used by government, community, civic leaders and public officials. American Assembly topics concern not only domestic and foreign policy, but also issues that range from arts and culture, philanthropy, and health, to business, economy, education, law, race, religion and security. Founded by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1950, The American Assembly is affiliated with Columbia University

Open A.I.R.

The Open A.I.R. research and training project, begun in 2011, is working with African innovators, creators and entrepreneurs to turn knowledge into concrete practices that can transform economies and drive human development forward. The project hopes that, through its efforts and the efforts of other like-minded initiatives and groups, the intellectual property (IP) systems that govern knowledge in Africa can gradually be made to work better as tools for open innovation and collaborative creativity. The project is centred around 19 interconnected, empirical case studies on conditions across the African continent, along with future-focussed foresight research. The research is laying the foundations for training provision to public- and private-sector leaders.

The Centre For Internet & Society

Based in Bangalore, the Centre for Internet and Society is critically engaged with digital pluralism, public accountability and pedagogic practices, in the field of Internet and Society, with particular emphasis on South-South dialogues and exchange.

Through multidisciplinary research, intervention, and collaboration, CIS seeks to explore, understand, and affect the shape and form of the internet, and its relationship with the political, cultural, and social milieu of our times.


Founded in Geneva in September 1996, the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) aims to influence the international trade system such that it advances the goal of sustainable development. As an independent, non-profit, and non-governmental organization, ICTSD engages a broad range of actors in ongoing dialogue on trade and sustainable development policy. In advancing its mission, the Centre has become a leading broker of knowledge and information on trade policy and sustainable development.



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