Donkeypunching Ruby Koans

1 Reply

Do you want instant enlightenment? Sure, we all do.

And now you can have it!

Tonight I presented Ruby Koans at URUG. It started out simple enough, but then we got on a weird quirk about trying to make the Koan tests pass without actually satisfying the test requirements. We monkeypatched Fixnum, then started playing with patching Object#to_s… basically we were looking for TMAETTCPW: The Most AEvil Thing That Could Possibly Work. I spelled Evil AEvil because it’s extra evilly.

Mike Moore had the bright idea to just break off all the assert methods in Test::Unit; after that it just became a challenge to discover how to get the rest of the koans to run at all.

With sincere apologies to Matz, Jim and Joe, here is the result:

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This entry was posted in code, mind and tagged code, funny, mind, Monkeypatching, OMG, silly, stupid, WTF on by dbrady.

One thought on “Donkeypunching Ruby Koans

  1. spacer David Brady Post author

    Challenge. Accepted. :twisted:


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