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Estimating the number of intelligent civilizations from planet formation rates

by Anson Lam | Aug 12, 2015 | Daily paper summaries

By combining galaxy formation histories and planet formation models, we can estimate the number of potential civilizations in our Universe.


Professional Photometry with a Consumer Camera

by Gudmundur Stefansson | Aug 5, 2015 | Daily paper summaries

Do you own a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera? The authors of today’s paper do. They used it for astronomy. They used it for science.


White Dwarf Surprise

by Meredith Rawls | Aug 4, 2015 | Daily paper summaries

This variable white dwarf pulsates as expected, but it also experiences very bright outbursts. Today’s paper takes us through the discovery and verification of the second pulsating white dwarf with outbursts, and speculates how the pulsations and outbursts may be linked.


Have we really found Earth 2.0?

by David Wilson | Aug 3, 2015 | Daily paper summaries

Last month Nasa announced, in what seems like a roughly annual event, the discovery of “Earth 2.0″. Described as a “Bigger, Older Cousin to Earth”, Kepler 452b is the first small planet (defined here as less than twice the radius of the Earth) to be in a roughly one year orbit around a Sun-like star.

But is it otherwise that similar to the Earth? Is it potentially habitable? To try and answer that, let’s look at the discovery paper.


The Rocky Road to Gas Planet-hood

by Stacy Kim | Jul 2, 2015 | Daily paper summaries

Why do some planets slightly more massive than Earth have gas envelopes, while others don’t?


The Next Transit Hunters

by Gudmundur Stefansson | May 18, 2015 | Daily paper summaries

The exoplanet hunt is on. The stakes are high. What will our next-generation telescopes find?

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