With Pinterest Analytics, see what people like from your profile and what they save from your website. Get new data about your audience, too, so you can learn what your customers really want.

See your analytics


Discover how Pinterest works for you

See what people love most from your Pinterest profile and website, and how much traffic your site gets when you add the Pin It button.

Learn more about your audience

Explore new metrics about the people who engage with your business and what else they’re into. See your audience’s most common interests and what other businesses they follow, then tailor what Pins you add based on that.

Act on Pin insights

Get advice on how to increase impressions, clicks and repins so you can refine your Pinterest strategy and reach more people. 

With Pinterest Analytics, learn

  • What Pins and boards from your profile people love most
  • What people like to save from your website
  • Who your Pinterest audience is, including their gender, location and other interests
  • What devices people use when they’re Pinning your stuff
  • How adding the Pin It button to your website leads to referral traffic from Pinterest

Visit analytics.pinterest.com to log in and view your analytics

You must have a business account to get access.

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