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Our “Vs” battles average over 100k views for each video. We can mention your offering, link to a promotion of yours and even include video and images to help build your brand awareness. The price varies by what you want to have included, and we also offer you the ability to feature your brand on our YouTube channel (

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Your ad will go in rotation with nine other banners. You may purchase more rotation if you wish your ad to show up more often – buy ten rotations and you’ll own the entire ad spot. Price per rotation is $500 per month. The banner can not be bigger than 25K in size. Animation allowed but no Flash.

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The 125×125 button appear on every page, above the “Heads Up” section. Button locations are randomized with each page load to give advertisers even exposure. Pricing is $500 per month per button. Only four spots are available. The button can not be bigger than 15K in size. Animation allowed but no Flash.

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Sponsored Reviews
The blog accepts sponsored reviews at a rate of $500 per review. Sponsored reviews receive at least 12 hours as the top front page post. The gives your review maximum exposure to FactPile readers. You can read some of our reviews here.

To order a review, send all the information about your product or service and paypal $500 to The average review takes 3 to 5 days to complete.

Text Links
Depending on where you want the link to be placed, we accept various locations for placement of text links. To get started, email Prices range from $300 – $750 per month, or we can also negotiate one-time placement fees.

Sponsored Tweets
The blog accepts sponsored tweets at $100.00 per tweet. Your message may be tweeted up to three to give you a good return on investment. We write our tweets with the goal of having it retweeted by our followers. Please note that if you order a Sponsored Review, you automatically receive a Sponsored Tweet.

To order a tweet, send the url you want us to tweet plus a short description and paypal $100 to

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Kingsman – Church Fight Scene

Here's the epic Kingsman - Church Fight Scene in it's entirety:


One of the first ways to play a computer game. Don't get sucked into the Rabbit Hole Alice... TEXTFILES

Carl Sagan – Wanderers

Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist from Erik Wernquist on Vimeo.

The Most Astounding Fact

From the one and only, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Vincent Cochetel: Held hostage for 317 days. Amazing Message.

Vincent Cochetel: Held hostage for 317 days. Amazing Message. Watch now.

NASA’s Software Catalog

Yes, now you can build a rocket too - Actually, there is an amazing amount of free software and complete documentation on how to make and perform some amazing feats of science. I'm interested to know what FactPilers would do with it... Click here to get started!

Mining the Moon

It's going to happen soon - there are a ton to rare Earth Metals on that big old rock in the sky! Check out this infographic!

Michio Kaku: The Universe In a Nutshell

Fantastic video that easily explains physics of our universe: Michio Kaku - Universe in a Nutshell

Raiders of the Lost Ark – Conception Transcribed

Raiders of the Lost Ark - This is an amazing read on the thought process between George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Lawrence Kasdan as they talk through the concepts of this amazing film. It's practically peering into the thought process of some of the most influential film makers of our day. And amazingly, shows how creative Lucas was.

Help Out Nepal

Finally a good reason to support Destiny.

Modern Gaming

Sad but true.

Curiosity Rover Spotted by Mars Orbiter on Mount Sharp

Humanity is the invading alien now...


No way I go here alone

17 Rare Star Wars Pictures

To see them, click here

Comic Con 2013 Cosplay Gallery

Just a ton of pictures of cosplayers from the 2013 Comic Con event

Ancient Aliens Map

If you ever watched the show "Ancient Aliens" and wanted a quick reference to where all the locations they mention are at, this is the site for you!

Fictional Universes Database

Soon to be shut down by Google, but here is a great starting point for Fictional Universes

99 Star Wars Pics

Some are cool, some are a bit absurd, but they are all based on Star Wars

Alternate Movie Posters

Something a bit distinct - Check them out

Epic Swiss Army Knife

Not Really...

Future Me

Write yourself an email letter to the future - Future Me

Neil Degrasse Tyson

Star Talk Radio - As always, keep looking up! is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.