Wiggle Room Calculator

For background, see the original post. Use whatever estimation units you prefer – days, story points etc.

Historical velocities (optional)
Historical Velocities hv (velocities achieved in recent iterations, comma-separated)
Planned iterations ni (planned iterations)
Velocity v (estimation units achieved on average per iteration)
Velocity variation (%) vv (standard deviation of velocity as percentage of velocity)
Creep rc (estimation units added to backlog per iteration)
ev v – rc
Iteration length
lv (1/(1 – vv) – 1) * 100%
c 2 * sqrt(ni) * lv
Contingency work
cw c * ev
Planned work
pw ni * ev – cw

The v and vv fields will be calculated from the historical velocities hv if these are provided.

Example: ni = 10 (iterations), v = 20 (story points per iteration), rc = 2 (story points per iteration), vv = 20 (percent) suggests those 10 iterations should include a contingency element of 1.5 iterations (or 27.8 story points at the effective velocity), allowing 152.2 story points of critical work to be attempted with 95% confidence.

One thought on “Wiggle Room Calculator

  1. Pingback: Ringing true: robust planning and Agile « Positive Incline

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