
The Covered Offender Search displays sex offenders and other covered offenders registered with the State of Hawaii.

REMINDER: Positive identification of a person believed to be a covered offender cannot be established unless the person's fingerprints are compared against the offender's fingerprints taken at the time of arrest or incarceration.

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Information is updated regularly in order to assure that it is complete and accurate. However, no guarantee is made or implied. You are cautioned that it is possible that information provided on this site may not reflect the current residence, status or other information regarding an individual. Read more about Covered Offenders Information.

If you believe any information found in these records is incorrect, please contact the HCJDC:

465 South King Street, Room 102
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 587-3350

For questions or concerns, use the Contact HCJDC web form.