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insite: our staff hub

insite: our staff hub

spacer Outstanding teacher training says Ofsted

Our teaching qualifications were ranked outstanding in a new report, which praises our contribution to improving education in the local area.

spacer Staff Offers: Spring 2016

Take advantage of a range of Arts Centre deals this coming spring, across visual arts, cinema and theatre.

spacer Warwick Staff Awards

Without our outstanding staff, Warwick would not have achieved its incredible success. The Staff Awards recognise your contributions, and highlight those that go above and beyond.

spacer Pulse staff survey

Our Pulse staff survey has launched! Take twenty minutes to share your views on the topics that really matter to you and make a difference to your working life.

spacer Warwick Connected

Smart Connections highlight the links Warwick has with a string of inspirational individuals. Find out more about Eloise Parr, who has taken the first steps towards emulating the UK’s most successful engineers.

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    spacer Research Excellence - nominate now!

    Do you know an academic colleague whose research or support has enhanced Warwick’s reputation and competitive performance? Nominate them now.


    number of categories in our staff awards

    Hear from...

    Suzanne England, previous Staff Award winner, tells us why she will be nominating this year.

    spacer Community Contribution Award - nominate now!

    Nominate a colleague who helps build valuable relationships with our local and regional communities, through volunteering or going that extra mile in their working life.


    days left to nominate a colleague

    spacer Global Contribution Award - nominate now!

    Know someone who's driven collaborative research partnerships or improved our global reputation through activities and initiatives overseas? Nominate them for a Staff Award.

    spacer Simplify, Collaborate, Deliver Award

    Know someone who always delivers excellent professional service, or who implements innovative new ways of working? We want to hear from you! is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.