PyCon Due

ProgrammingConference, PyCon Due, Python, pythonit, workshopsimone


Last weekend I went to PyCon Due, the 2nd Italian conference on the Python programming language.  It was in Firenze, a few minutes walk from where I live, so it’s been very handy.  This year the conference was much bigger than last year’s.

For starters, on Friday Richard Stallman spoke at Palazzo Vecchio.  I couldn’t go (I had to work) but luckily enough I listened to RMS in a speech he gave at Hackmeeting 2002 in Bologna, so I’m blessed already.  I missed the opportunity to visit the outstanding Salone del 500, tough.

The next two days were at Auditorium Duomo, where the guys from organized three parallel tracks running from 9am-7pm, with little breaks for some rest and socialization opportunity.  There were many well-known speakers, including Raymond Hettinger, Brian Fitzpatrick and of course Alex Martelli.  I attended talks about Django, Google App Engine, how to listen to our users, Plone, nginx’s mod_wsgi, Zope3, Twisted, Python 3.0 and Python inner workings.

A long list of companies sponsored the event: some big 900-pound gorillas like Google and Skype, as well as local fast-growing Italian companies.  Of course they took the opportunity to try and hire high profile developers, presenting their business and collecting contacts.  Too bad the company I work for didn’t participate.

All in all, with over 300 attendees I can say the conference was a big success, even if some talks were a little under par in terms of quality or effectiveness.  I didn’t like the “teach me” formula but most talks were  definitely outstanding.  And did I mention the hostesses were beautiful?  Go go!  You totally rock!

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