Ubuntu Pennsylvania Planet

March 17, 2015

Brandon Plaufcan

Make love to life!

Life sucks, life’s boring, life hurts, get over it!  Life is what you make it.  You can be whatever you want to be, you can do whatever you want to do.  Maybe life is about helping others, maybe it’s about being happy with what you have?  Maybe it’s enjoying the small things?  It’s not always good, but it is worth it.  You get hurt, you break, you love, you lose.  If you find that person that makes you happy, that is there thru thick and thin, that you would do anything, just to make sure they’re happy.  Hang onto them, don’t let them slip away.  Do everything you can to trust them, and don’t let petty insecurities come between the two of you.  Never abuse their trust, it will never be the same, or it may end your relationship all together.  Nobody is perfect, people make mistakes, just don’t let them mistakes be with someones heart.

We’re only given a short time on this planet, why spend it miserable, when you can make the best of it?  Enjoy time with friends, volunteer, meet new people, have a family, enjoy nature, put down the electronic leash.  Create experiences with the people you love and care about.  Life doesn’t have to be difficult, it can be quite enjoyable.  Quit stressing over things that you can’t change.  There are millions of people that would love to have the life you do.  So stop complaining about it, and enjoy it.  Go to the beach, take a walk in the woods, go look at a waterfall, enjoy the sounds of a babbling brook, sit around a campfire and enjoy the crackling.  Spend the night in a tent, go fishing or hunting, go on a mini vacation right in your own backyard.  Enjoy the air you’re breathing in while out in nature, and for the love of everything holy, put down that cell phone, or tablet, or iPod, or whatever electronic device you may have.  Enjoy the sounds of nature, the sights, the experiences.  Take a bike ride, go rock climbing, sailing, take a canoe down the river.

We have become so enamored with electronic devices, the constant need to know every minute what another person is doing, what they’re eating, who they’re dating.  The question remains, what does it matter?  The main point of life, is to enjoy it.  I’m guilty of this myself, most times I wish cell phones had never even been invented.  Yes they are nice to have, you can keep in touch with a few taps on a screen or a keypad.  But, they have taken over our lives.  They ruin relationships, they make it easier to cheat, they make it easier for people to be able to locate you to a specific location.  They interfere with work.  They interfere with conversations.  They interfere with just about every aspect of life, and we’re only getting worse with them.  Go to a restaurant, or a coffee shop.  Look around, and how many people do you see with their heads pointing down looking at their cell phone?  It’s amazing how a few years can change everything so drastically.

In the end, do what makes you genuinely happy, treat yourself to the simpler things.  Make love to life.  Let other people do what they’re going to do, you aren’t going to change them.  You’ll just end up worrying about something that you can’t change or fix.  Nobody controls your happiness, except you.  So do just that, take control of your happiness and enjoy this short time that you were given.  Nobody was promised forever, it could all end tomorrow.  So make the best of what you have, use your talents, show the world your talent.  Remember to enjoy the small and simple things, memories can last lifetime, make them happy memories.

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by perlluver at March 17, 2015 07:10 PM

January 07, 2015

Asheesh Laroia

Engaging Developers with Content -- talk notes by Asheesh

How to think about marketing, when marketing to developers

Video link:

  • www.heavybit.com/library/video/2013-10-22-danielle-morrill

Interesting phrases:

  • Sales is getting rejected one by one. Marketing is "getting rejected at scale."
  • Much of the time, "You're trying to write to about 200 people" (at a time).
  • "Every single one of those tweets [referencing other people's content] is a missed opportunity to link to your own content."
  • "You'll never be able to think like a noob again" -- "your content will basically suffer from the curse of knowledge."
  • "Your blog is, like, the cheapest banner ad in the world."
  • "It has to be OK to ship something crappy, incrementally improve it, and then never ever ever stop doing it."
  • "People _love_ the process of how the sausage is getting made." My remark -- the great thing is you can show them just the parts you want to.
  • "Anything you do is news in your community. It doesn't matter that it's not news in the rest of the world."
  • "Troll slayers have to be above reproach."
  • "The good thing is, when you make people angry, it means they're thinking about you."
  • "The value of different channels is you need multiple opportunities to connect with the same people."
  • "Write Google Voice in 50 lines of code." The idea here is, say clearly how people can use your tools as technical leverage. People aren't as good as you at connecting the dots of why your thing is so cool.
  • "Sometimes it's good to just power the toys, and let the hobbyists decide what's exciting to them."
  • "You want to get your community helping each other."
  • "In the early days, you want to talk to everyone."
  • "The company voice becomes an amalgamation of personal voices," except when something bad happens (unless the CEO is visible and willing to communicate).
  • "To write good content, you need to read a lot."
  • On topics that you can get other people to write: "You have to convince them they picked [the topic] for themselves, or you have to let them pick them."
  • "Read the people your community trusts and respects."
  • "Surround people, so they can find you in the channels they like."
  • "Go do all the things people would do to try to find you."

Types of content:

  • Email newsletter
  • Email drip campaign; these two are enough for the first year. Care about open rates.
  • Ranked #3: Make a blog. Possible content: (1) anything at all. (2) Contests. (3) Write glorious beautiful documentation as blog posts.
  • "How it works" diagram.
  • Write about customers. "Didn't you actually change the world?"

Interesting things they found:

  • "Trailing open rates of months on the first email" -- that is to say, the first email newsletter was pure gold, so people kept re-opening it.
  • Developer Marketing is a thing Microsofties figured out in the '90s; google for it.
  • "Get good at comments, because you're gonna have to fix things."
  • Good self-introduction posts answer the question, "What are you bringing to the table?" (The audience should care that you're part of $COMPANY.) How can your presence in the company make customers more successful?
  • If you want every engineer to be able to present what the product is, then ask everyone to build something using the product plus present it to the company, and now they won't be afraid of presenting things to other people.
  • "Have developers write the documentation themselves."
  • Write short blog posts.
  • "The content that makes the most money is case studies."
  • "The best piece of content is something that makes people think of your company more highly than before."
  • "The under-appreciated thing where you can be best at it is the content that rocks."
  • (No video. Too much work.)
  • "Tweet the same thing -- once at 10am, once at 4pm. . . . No one is looking at stuff at the same time."
  • "You know better than anyone the businesses that can be built on your platform, so write the recipes for them."
  • For emails: "Automatically opt people in, then make sure to build good segemented lists. Keep your lists for your campaigns separate from your newsletter."
  • "If the production quality of the email is high, people will assume it's high quality."
  • "Make sure you have a clear conversation internally about what you do and don't want to share."

Interesting questions:

  • On Sandstorm, how many people use which pages? Blog vs. app vs. app store list.

Things I need to revisit:

  • Repurposing content.

More content ideas:

  • Publish internal emails.
  • Blog your FAQ. (Also make sure the content appears everywhere else it needs to -- Stack Overflow, etc.)
  • Any time we go and give a talk.
  • Take photos at Meetups.

Questions for me:

  • Perhaps Sandstorm should use Stack Overflow as our main Q&A plan.
  • Perhaps I should publish my first all at corp.sandstorm.io mail?
  • Does Sandstorm have enough blog posts by non-Kenton people? ("No one sells it like a first ten engineering team.")
  • Are we set up for our website to communicate effectively? Does the product communicate effectively?

What to measure, early on:

  • Look at web traffic.
  • How many times you got mentioned on Twitter.
  • Whether or not people comment at all (on external discussion areas like Hacker News).
  • Broadly the levels of how many people hang out in your IRC room. "Just monitor the level of people helping each other."
  • In the first six months, don't focus on revenue, because the opportunity is all the customers you haven't reached yet.

January 07, 2015 07:58 PM

Quick thoughts about Jade's Meteor community talk


  • www.heavybit.com/library/video/2014-07-08-jade-wang

Very interesting phrases:

  • "they are in charge"
  • "power law"
  • "invest in leadership, not participation"
  • "don't be afraid to give people real power"
  • "what if you look for community organizers in your community?"
  • "poured fuel on the fire"

Very interesting concepts:

  • Devshop London.

Remaining questions for Jade:

  • What were some of the Devshop failure modes that were continually tweaked? How will they get tweaked in London?

Questions/thoughts it brings up for me:

  • Meteor & co. have a "Chapters" list. I'm borderline surprised that they are using mailing lists. Moreover, how do they get activity on the list? (Do they?)
  • Who are the leaders we could massively empower for OSCTC? Probably Davis.
  • Does this mean we should rethink the idea of Chapters?
  • For Railsbridge, where are their leaders that they empower? Luckily the chapters process structurally encourages local leadership. I've seen it at least in Boston.
  • What would we say for BPW? Chicago? Almost. Philly? Probably/possibly.
  • Was the real failure of BPW that we didn't try to identify local leaders for regional chapters? If so, how did I miss that?
    • I guess we tried to, but we didn't structurally encourage it. Amazing.
  • What do we say about Debian, then?
    • 1K developers, but leaders? Maybe not as much. Which results in less growth in terms of user base. Breath-taking.
  • For Ubuntu+Debian, and presumably meteor, The leadership needed is not so much technical as community/marketing. Jade tries not to call it marketing, but I don't know if she realizes how it's not technical leadership she's after.
    • Debian always wanted technical leaders to show up, and the package maintainer based process encourages that structurally. But it does nothing structurally to encourage community/marketing leadership.

Other remarks:

  • Jade looks back and forth at the computer a lot. Maybe not given a lot of talks yet?
  • Very few "um"s, but some.
  • Infrequent smiles at the audience -- interesting.
  • A great talk, regardless of some trivial style quibbles.
  • 62 meetup groups, 1-5 captains apiece.
  • First meetup, reimburse for food and snacks. Generally cover the Meetup.com dues.
  • Initially, found people doing interesting things with Meteor -- publicized their work, but also got in touch.
  • The day of the monthly Meteor DevShops, they invite people to show up IRL, which fosters peer to peer communication.

Overall remarks:

It's not every day I watch a talk from someone who works in my space who has an idea that makes me rethink a lot of what I've done.

Welcome to Sandstorm.

January 07, 2015 07:27 PM

June 22, 2014

Asheesh Laroia

Interactive semi-automated package review (by abusing Travis-CI)

I just did some Debian package review in a somewhat unusual way, and I wanted to share that. I'm hoping other Debian developers (and other free software contributors) that need to review others' contributions can learn something from this, and that I can use this blog post as a way to find out if other people are doing something similar.

It was pretty exciting! At the end of it, I joined #debian-mentors to talk about how my cool process. Someone summarized it very accurately:

<sney> it almost sounds like you're working to replace yourself with automation

Context about alpine in Debian

(Skip to "Package review, with automation" if you're familiar with Debian.)

I'm the maintainer of alpine in Debian. There are quite a few problems with the alpine package in Debian right now, the biggest of which are:

  • We're one version behind -- 2.11 is the latest available, but 2.10 is the newest that we have in Debian.
  • The packaging uses a decreasingly-popular packaging helper, cdbs, about which I happen to know less than the dh-style helper (aka dh7).
  • There are lots of bugs filed, and I don't respond in a timely fashion.

This doesn't change my deep love for alpine -- I've had that for about half my life now, and so far, I don't see it going away.

A month or so ago, I got a friendly private message from Unit193, saying he had converted the package to the dh style, and also packaged the newer version. They wanted to know if they should clean this up into something high-enough quality to land in Debian.

(In Debian, we have a common situation where enthusiastic users update or create a new package, and aren't yet Debian Developers, so they don't have permission to upload that directly to the "Debian archive", which is the Debian equivalent of git master. Package "sponsorship" is how we handle that -- a Debian Developer reviews the package, makes sure it is of high quality, and uploads it to the Debian archive along with the Debian Developer's OpenPGP signature, so the archive processing tools know to trust it.)

On Friday evening, I had a spare moment, so I sent a private message to Unit193 apologizing for not getting back to them in a reasonable amount of time. Having another person help maintain is a pretty exciting prospect, and I wanted to treat that enthusiasm with the respect it deserves, or at least apologize when I haven't. I was surprised to see a reply within a few minutes. At that point, I thought: I wasn't planning on doing any package review this weekend, but if they're online and I'm online... might as well!

Package review, with automation

Unit193 and I popped into ##alpine on irc.freenode.net, and I started reading through their packaging changes, asking questions. As I asked questions, I wondered -- how will I know if they are going to fix the issues I'm raising?

Luckily, Unit193 wanted to use git to track the packaging, and we settled on using git-buildpackage, a tool that was fairly new to both of us. I thought, I might as well have some executable documentation so I don't forget how to use it. ("Executable documentation" is Asheesh-speak for a shell script.)

One thing I knew was that I'd have to test the package in a pbuilder, or other pristine build environment. But all I had on me at the moment was my work laptop, which didn't have one set up. Then I had a bright idea: I could use Travis-CI, a public continuous integration service, to check Unit193's packaging. If I had any concerns, I could add them to the shell script and then point at the build log and say, "This needs to be fixed." Then there would be great clarity about the problems.

Some wonderful things about Travis-CI:

  • They give you root access on an Ubuntu Precise (10.04) virtual machine.
  • Their build hosts are well-connected to the Internet, which means fast downloads in e.g. pbuilder.
  • They will let you run a build for up to 50 minutes, for free.
  • Build just means "command" or "set of commands," so you can just write a shell script and they will run it.
  • Travis-CI will watch a github.com repository, if you like. This means you can 'git commit --allow-empty' then 'git push' and ask it to re-run your script.

Since Unit193's packaging was in git (but not on github), I created a git repo containing the same contents, where I would experiment with fixes for packaging problems I found. It'd be up to Unit193 to fix the problems in the Alioth packaging. This way, I would be providing advice, and Unit193 would have an opportunity to ask questions, so it would be more like mentorship and less like me fixing things.

We did a few rounds of feedback this way, and got the packaging to higher and higher quality. Every time Unit193 made a fix and pushed it, I would re-run the auto-build, and see if the problems I spotted had gone away.

While the auto-build runs, I can focus on conversing with my mentee about problems or just generally chatting. Chatting is valuable community-building! It's extremely nice that I can do that while waiting on the build, knowing that I don't have to read it carefully -- I can just wait a few minutes, then see if it's done, and see if it's red or green. Having the mentee around while I'm reviewing it means that I can use the time I'm waiting on builds as fun free software social time. (Contrast this with asynchronous review, where, all alone, I would wait for a build to finish, then write up an email at the end of it all.)

This kind of mentorship + chatting was spread out over Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday morning. By the end of it, we had a superb package that I'm excited to sign and push into Debian when I'm next near my OpenPGP key.

Implementation details

You can see the final shell script here:

  • do.sh

And you can see the various builds here:

  • builds

The shell script:

  • Alternates between the Alioth packaging vs. my fork of it. (This way, I can test packaging changes/suggestions.)
  • Disables ccache in pbuilder, due to a permissions problem with ccache/pbuilder/travis-ci, and I didn't need ccache anyway.
  • Handles 'git dch' slightly wrong. I need to figure that out.
  • Optionally passes --git-ignore-new to git-buildpackage, which was required initially, but should not be required by the time the package is ready. (This is an example of a thing I might forget to remark upon to my mentee.)
  • Plays games with git branches so that git-buildpackage on Travis-CI can find the pristine-tar branch.
  • Tries to use cdn.debian.net as its mirror, but on Saturday ran into problems with whicever mirror that is, so it falls back to mirror.mit.edu in case that fails.
  • Contains a GPG homedir, and imports the Debian archive key, so that it can get past Ubuntu-Debian pbuilder trust issues.

I also had a local shell script that would run, effectively:

  • git commit --allow-empty -m 'Trigger build'
  • git push

This was needed since I was basically using Travis-CI as remote shell service -- moreover, the scripts Travis-CI runs are in a different repo (travis-debcheck) than the software I'm actually testing (collab-maint/alpine.git).

Unit193 and I had a technical disagreement at one point, and I realized that rather than discuss it, I could just ask Travis-CI to test which one of us was right. At one point in the revisions, the binary package build failed to build on Precise Pangolin (the Ubuntu release that the Travis-CI worker is running), and Unit193 said that it was probably due to a problem with building on Ubuntu. So I added a configuration option to build just the source package in Ubuntu, keeping the binary package test-build within the Debian sid pbuilder, although I believed that there was actually a problem with the packaging. This way, I could modify the script so that I could demonstrate the problem could be reproduced in a sid pbuilder. Of course, by the time I got that far, Unit193 had figured out that it was indeed a packaging bug.

I also created an option to SKIP_PBUILDER; initially, I wanted to get quick automated feedback on the quality of the source package without waiting for pbuilder to create the chroot and for the test build to happen.

You might notice that the script is not very secure -- Niels Thykier already did! That's fine by me; it's only Travis-CI's machines that could be worsened by that insecurity, and really, they already gave me a root shell with no password. (This might sound dismissive of Travis-CI -- I don't mean it to be! I just mean that their security model already presumably involves throwing away the environment in which my code is executing, and I enjoy taking advantage of that.)

Since the Travis virtual machine is Ubuntu, and we want to run the latest version of lintian (a Debian packaging "lint" checker), we run lintian within the Debian sid pbuilder. To do that, I use the glorious "B90lintian" sample pbuilder hook script, which comes bundled with pbuilder in /usr/share/doc/pbuilder/.

The full build, which includes creating a sid pbuilder from scratch, takes merely 7-10 minutes. I personally find this kind of shockingly speedy -- in 2005, when I first got involved, doing a pbuilder build seemed like it would take forever. Now, a random free shell service on the Internet will create a pbuilder, and do a test build within it, in about 5 minutes.

Package review, without automation

I've done package review for other mentees in the past. I tend to do it in a very bursty fashion -- one weekend day or one weeknight I decide sure, it's a good day to read Debian packages and provide feedback.

Usually we do it asynchronously on the following protocol:

  1. I dig up an email from someone who needed review.
  2. I read through the packaging files, doing a variety of checks as they occur to me.
  3. If I find problems, I write an email about them to the mentee. If not, success! I sign and upload the package.

There are some problems with the above:

  • The burstiness means that if someone fixes the issues, I might not have time to re-review for another month or longer.
  • The absence of an exhaustive list of things to look for means that I could fail to provide that feedback in the first round of review, leading to a longer wait time.
  • The person receiving the email might not understand my comments, which could interact really badly with the burstiness.

I did this for Simon Fondrie-Teitler's python-pypump package recently. We followed the above protocol. I wrote a long email to Simon, where I remarked on various good and bad points of the packaging. It was part commentary, part terminal transcript -- I use the terminal transcripts to explain what I mean. This is part of the email I sent:

I got an error in the man page generation phase -- because at 
build-time, I don't have requests-oauthlib:

make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg/docs'
help2man --no-info \
	-n 'sets up an environment and oauth tokens and allows for interactive testing' \
        --version-string=0.5.1 /tmp/python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg/pypump-shell > /tmp/python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg/debian/pypump-shell.1
help2man: can't get `--help' info from /tmp/python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg/pypump-shell
Try `--no-discard-stderr' if option outputs to stderr
make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_build] Error 1

This seems to be because:

➜  python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg  ./pypump-shell 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./pypump-shell", line 26, in <module>
    from pypump import PyPump, Client
  File "/tmp/python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg/pypump/__init__.py", line 19, in <module>
    from pypump.pypump import PyPump, WebPump
  File "/tmp/python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg/pypump/pypump.py", line 28, in <module>
    from six.moves.urllib import parse
ImportError: No module named urllib

$ ./pypump-shell 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./pypump-shell", line 26, in <module>
    from pypump import PyPump, Client
  File "/tmp/python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg/pypump/__init__.py", line 19, in <module>
    from pypump.pypump import PyPump, WebPump
  File "/tmp/python-pypump-0.5-1+dfsg/pypump/pypump.py", line 29, in <module>
    from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
ImportError: No module named requests_oauthlib

The deeper problem was a missing build-dependency, and I explained that in my email. But the meta problem is that Simon didn't try building this in a pbuilder, or otherwise clean build environment.

Simon fixed these problems, and submitted a fresh package to Paul Tagliamonte and myself. It happened to have some typos in the names of the new build dependencies. Paul reviewed the fixed package, noticed the typos, fixed them, and uploaded it. Simon had forgotten to do a test build the second time, too, which is an understandable human failure. There was a two-day delay between Simon's fixed resubmission, and Paul signing+uploading the fixed result.

In a pedagogical sense, there's something disappointing about that exchange for me: Paul fixed an error Simon introduced, so we're not teaching Simon to take total responsibility for his packages in Debian, nor to understand the Debian system as well as he could. (Luckily, I think Simon already understands the importance of taking responsibility! In this case, it's just a hypothetical in this case.)

For the future

The next time I review a package, I'm going to try to do something similar to my Travis-CI hack. It would be nice to have the do.sh script be a little more abstract; I imagine that as I try to use it for a different package, I'll discover the right abstractions.

I'd love it if Travis-CI did not require the git repositories to be on GitHub. I'd also like if the .travis.yml file could be in a different path. If so, we could create debian/travis-configuration (or something) and keep the packaging files nice and separate from the upstream source.

I'd also love to hear about other people's feedback. Are you doing something similar? Do you want to be? Would you have done some of this differently? Leave a comment here, or ping me (paulproteus) on #debian-mentors on irc.debian.org (aka irc.oftc.net).

I'll leave you with some conversation from #debian-mentors:

<paulproteus> The automation here, I think, is really interesting.
<paulproteus> What I really want is for mentees to show up to me and say "Here is my package + build log with pbuilder, can you sponsor it please?"
<Unit193> Oooooh!
-*- Unit193 gets ideas.
<paulproteus> Although the irony is that I actually like the community-building and relationship-building nature of having these things be conversations.
<bremner> how will this brave new world cope with licensing issues?
<paulproteus> bremner: It's not a replacement for actual review, just a tool-assist.
<paulproteus> bremner: You might be relieved to know that much of Unit193's and my back and forth related to get-orig-source and licensing. (-:
<bremner> I didn't doubt you ;).
<paulproteus> If necessary I can just be a highly productive reviewer, but I would prefer to figure out some way that I can get other non-paulproteus people to get a similar assist.
<paulproteus> I think the current blocker is "omg travis why are you bound to githubbbbbbbb" which is a reasonable concern.

June 22, 2014 10:02 PM

April 27, 2014

Asheesh Laroia

Personal backups

My main computers nowadays are:

  • My personal laptop.
  • My work laptop.
  • My phone.

Given that, and given my propensity to start large fun home networking related projects but then leave them unfinished, here is my strategy for having reliable backups of my personal laptop:

  • Buy an external hard disk, preferably the kind that requires no external power supply.
  • Store it at work, and make an encrypted filesystem on it.
  • Once per two weeks, take my personal laptop to work, where I will connect the external disk over USB, and do backups to it using e.g. dirvish (which is something like Apple's Time Machine software).
  • When the backup finishes, use a post-it note to write today's date on the external disk, then put it back in my work filing box.

This seems to have the following advantages:

  • No decrease in privacy -- the data is stored encrypted.
  • Convenient off-site storage.
  • I don't have to be thoughtful about what I am backing up.
  • Since I'll be using dirvish, restoring data will be easy.

If people have any thoughts about this, or do things a different way and have pros or cons to share, I'd love to hear.

I realize this doesn't protect my phone or work laptop. I'll work on those some other time.

April 27, 2014 11:59 PM

January 29, 2014

Asheesh Laroia

What happens in my inbox

At this moment, I'm so impressed by what happens in my inbox. I see quotes like these, all referring to events or resources made as part of Open Source Comes to Campus.

  • "I had a student stop by the office today and tell me that Saturday's event was a real game changer for him."
  • Conversations with freegeekchicago.org.
  • "I worked through the student GIT setup <https://openhatch.org/wiki/Open_Source_Comes_to_Campus/Practicing_Git/Students>. It looks good."
  • Other people than me are staying in touch with computer science departments to show them that our event pages do in fact thank them.
  • "Please be sure to emphasize that OpenHatch has a focus on being newcomer-friendly and gender-diverse," says someone who is a new volunteer (we met them in October).
  • " I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to walk us through the [git] tutorial. My classmate and I were attending our first open source event ever in our lives, and we were a bit intimidated at the beginning. It was great to meet your team and to have some fun in a group setting."

I ran into these because I was searching for OpenHatch-related mails to reply to. I figured I should archive/delete the ones that are already taken care-of. So the mail mostly isn't directed at me; instead, it's just stuff in OpenHatch-land generally.

I seem to have worked on something that is at least moderately successful, and at least moderately well-organized. That is pretty seriously heartening.

January 29, 2014 06:28 AM

December 30, 2013

Asheesh Laroia

Schedule something with me

If you want to set up an evening hang out with me, or anything else where you'd like to meet up, here's the best strategy if you use Google Calendar:

  • Create an event on your calendar with the time and date. In the name of the event, summarize it (for example: "Alice and Asheesh catch up re: fundraising" or "Bob and Asheesh hang out at El Rio bar").
  • "Edit" the event, and add asheesh@asheesh.org as a person to invite.
  • Click "Save" and send me an invitation.

To do an amazing job, here are some extra rules:

  • Always give me 24 hours or more lead-time.
  • Give me two options, one labeled "(backup)" -- for example. "Bob and Asheesh hang out at El Rio bar" and "Bob and Asheesh hang out at El Rio bar (backup)".
    • Then I'll click confirm on one of them, and I will click "No" on the other one. And that'll be that!

If you're too impatient for that (which is fine)

  • Visit asheesh.youcanbook.me/
  • Submit two proposed times
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This may seem bizarrely bureaucratic and impersonal, but since I often drop the ball on scheduling social or professional catch-up time, I wanted to create a system where successful results are easily achieved. In return for dealing with this automated interaction, you'll get a happy, relaxed, attentive Asheesh.

December 30, 2013 07:44 AM

December 27, 2013

Asheesh Laroia

New job (what running Debian means to me)

Five weeks ago, I started a new job (Security Engineer, Eventbrite). I accepted the offer on a Friday evening at about 5:30 PM. That evening, my new boss and I traded emails to help me figure out what kind of computer I'd like. Time was of the essence because my start date was very next day, Tuesday.

I wrote about how I value pixel count, and then RAM, and then a speedy disk, and then a speedy CPU. I named a few ThinkPad models that could be good, and with advice from the inimitable danjared, I pointed out that some Dell laptops come pre-installed with Ubuntu (which I could easily swap out for Debian).

On Monday, my boss replied. Given the options that the IT department supports, he picked out the best one by my metrics: a MacBook Pro. The IT department would set up the company-mandated full-disk encryption and anti-virus scanning. If I wanted to run Linux, I could set up BootCamp or a virtualization solution.

As I read the email, my heart nearly stopped. I just couldn't see myself using a Mac.

I thought about it. Does it really matter to me enough to call up my boss and undo an IT request that is already in the works, backpedaling on what I claimed was important to me, opting for brand anti-loyalty to Apple over hardware speed?

Yes, I thought to myself. I am willing to just not work there if I have to use a Mac.

So I called $BOSS, and I asked, "What can we do to not get me a Mac?" It all worked out fine; I use a ThinkPad X1 Carbon running Debian for work now, and it absolutely does everything I need. It does have a slower CPU, fewer pixels, and less RAM, and I am the only person in the San Francisco engineering office not running Mac OS. But it all works.

In the process, I thought it made sense to write up some text to $BOSS. Here is how it goes.


Thanks for hearing my concerns about having a Mac. It would basically be a fairly serious blow to my self image. It's possible I could rationalize it, but it would take a long time, and I'm not sure it would work.

I don't at all need to start work using the computer I'm going to be using for the weeks afterward. I'm OK with using something temporarily that is whatever is available, Mac or non-Mac; I could happily borrow something out of the equipment closet in the short term if there are plans in the works to replace it with something else that makes me productive in the long term.

For full-disk encryption, there are great solutions for this on Linux.

For anti-virus, it seems Symantec AV is available for Linux <www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=HOWTO17995>.

It sounds like Apple and possibly Lenovo are the only brands that are available through the IT department, but it is worth mentioning that Dell sells perfectly great laptops with Linux pre-installed, such as the XPS 13. I would perfectly happily use that.

If getting me more RAM is the priority, and the T440s is a bad fit for $COMPANY, then the Lenovo X230 would be a great option, and is noticeably less expensive, and it fits 16GB of RAM.

BootCamp and the like are theoretical possibilities on Macs, but one worry I have is that if there were a configuration issue, it might not be worth me spending work time to have me fix my environment, but instead I would be encouraged for efficiency to use Mac OS, which is well-tested on Apple hardware, and then I would basically hate using my computer, which is a strong emotion, but basically how I would feel.

Another issue (less technical) is that if I took my work machine to the kinds of conferences that I go to, like Debconf, I would find myself in the extremely uncomfortable position of advertising for Apple. I am pretty strongly unexcited about doing that.

Relating to the self-image issue is that it means a lot to me to sort of carry the open source community with me as I do my technical work, even if that technical work is not making more open source software. Feeling part of this world that shares software, and Debian in particular where I have a strong feeling of attachment to the community, even while doing something different, is part of what makes using computers fun for me. So it clashes with that to use Mac OS on my main machine, or to feel like I'm externally indistinguishable from people who don't care about this sort of community.

I am unenthusiastic about making your life harder and looking like a prima donna with my possibly obscure requirements.

I am, however, excited to contribute to $COMPANY!

I hope that helps! Probably nothing you couldn't have guessed in here, but I thought it was worth spelling some of that out. Happy to talk more.

-- Asheesh.

December 27, 2013 02:56 AM

December 12, 2013

Brandon Plaufcan

V2 Electronic Cigarettes

I’ve recently began to give up smoking, I bought an electronic cigarette from V2.  As of this point in time, I am cigarette free, and I only “vape”.  It truly has set me free, and this e-cig has to be the best of the best.  V2 offers many flavors, their cartridges have a great throat hit, and the price is really good.  If you are thinking about quitting, I would definitely give them a try.


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by perlluver at December 12, 2013 05:30 AM

December 11, 2013

Brandon Plaufcan


You hear it everyday: Tell me the truth, be honest, the truth will set you free, if you don’t lie, you’ll have nothing to remember.  The truth is; most people can’t handle the truth.


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