


CCI revs up Wi-Fi

Students on 15 campuses have access to Wi-Fi

ATC’s microbend issue resolved

Plant TiftNet uses CCI as go-to for Smartnet

BEK Communications provides 100G connectivity to North Dakota

Antietam Cable improves upstream circuit use, enhances bandwidth

Resort complex deploys IPTV service with DOCSIS solution


Jacob Mulaikal Joins CCI Executive Team as CFO

Heavy Hitters Join CCI Systems

Security is top priority for voice customers.

Cisco and CCI enhance partnership while experiencing the green and gold of Green Bay

Increase customer satisfaction with a Wi-Fi network. Learn how at MATSS

Cable Architecture engineer and strategist, Drew Kempen, joins the CCI team.

RallyLink Wi-Fi connects Sturgis, SD. CCI installs Wi-Fi for 75th motorcycle rally

Thad Mead joins CCI sales

Employees Hold Zombie Shoe Drive


Considering a DOCSIS 3.1 upgrade? Take the first step to prepare your network. Crossing the Diplex Chasm to 85MHz gives service providers insight into the process and benefits to an upstream jump.

Service Provider Wi-Fi: The Opportunity is Now explains how Tier 2-4 Service Providers can generate new revenue streams, expand network footprints and seize the licensed spectrum before the competition.

The Five S’s of Successful Network Planning outlines five critical steps every network operator should be considering when planning budgets and upgrade needs. Save money and keep customers happy with a network success plan.

Hoteliers utilize Hosted Hospitality PBX voice solutions for lower costs, communication simplicity, reliability and technical features. Learn why the move to “hosted” makes sense and how it will affect your guests.


We have cable in our blood.

Develop high-value service offerings for your customers.

Seemingly overnight, there is a major buzz around the cable market.

Cisco honors CCI with Customer Satisfaction Excellence achievement.

Think big picture, SDN is the logical solution.

CCI’s Project Management team aims to create a positive customer experience.

Hotels properties are opting to convert to “voice in the cloud” for their PBX needs.

Succeed as a Service Provider. Offer your customers the services they need.

Take advantage of reduced pricing and Cisco Capital when you transition to an ASR9K

Address increasing competition, jump to 85 MHz! is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.