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Just got the C# gold badge at StackOverflow

This is a “marketing” post… spacer Just kidding.

This is just to inform that I got the C# #Csharp gold badge at #StackOverflow @StackExchange after 5 years and 6 months and 342 answers posted on the C# tag! What a milestone towards a so awesome programming language.


Once when I was starting back in 2003 a somewhat experienced coworker told me: this thing [ coding ] is not for you.

I proved him wrong!

The lesson to be learnt here is: never trust others when they say you are not capable even more when you are just starting something. Instead use that as a trampoline. Not easy but you must not give up. Keep pushing always.

People that motivate us are a rare kind. So use this post as a motivation and BEFORE that remember: put God first in everything you start in your life. I remember at that time in my life I talked to God and told him that I really liked this profession|area and asked for his help so that he could guide me and provide me wisdom. Here I’m today being able to write this post. How grateful I’m.

To top that, last week a cousin (13 years old) approached me and told me he’d like to follow the same path I followed and asked what I did to get where I’m today. I answered: you have to have a passion for what you do, strive for excellence and be prepared to spend some good amount of time trying and trying... as I wrote above: don’t give up. There’ll be for sure many rocks on the road… The Long and Winding Road as sung by The Beatles is a truth but if you persist in what you really believe then success is a matter of time.

Somehow sometime somewhere God will move things in your favor.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 https://www.bible.com/bible/1/rom.8.28



NPOI 2.0 - Support for right-to-left languages

This is the 5th post of a series of posts about NPOI 2.0.

This time we’re gonna see how easy it is to enable support for right to left languages in a spreadsheet.

Here’s a Microsoft page that describes Office’s right-to-left language features.

NPOI has got you covered too. The flag first appeared in NPOI 2.0 Alpha:

g. Support isRightToLeft and setRightToLeft on the common spreadsheet Sheet interface, as per existing HSSF support (poi-developers)

Let’s jump directly to the code with no further ado…

using NPOI.SS.UserModel;
using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel;
using System.IO;

namespace NPOI.Examples.XSSF.SetIsRightToLeftInXlsx
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();

            ISheet sheet1 = workbook.CreateSheet("Sheet1");
            // Setting support for Right To Left
            sheet1.IsRightToLeft = true;

            sheet1.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("This is a Sample");

            int x = 1;

            for(int i = 1; i <= 15; i++)
                IRow row = sheet1.CreateRow(i);

                for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++)

            FileStream sw = File.Create("test.xlsx");



You can find the above code in the SetIsRightToLeftInXlsx sample project. I sent a pull request to Tony Qu so that this sample project gets added to NPOI’s GitHub repository.

Hope it helps!

Using MsDeploy publish profile .pubxml to create an empty folder structure on IIS and skip deleting it with MsDeploySkipRules

I’m going to share here a pretty nice deployment automation solution for when you need to have a defined set of folders in place when first deploying an app to IIS. On subsequent re-deployments the folder structure will be kept intact with any files users may have added to them.

Let’s work with a simple example: given an ASP.NET MVC app, we need a folder called Files and inside this folder there will be some pre-defined folders named: Folder 1, Folder 2 and Folder 3 with a child folder called Test. Something like this:

App root
   ---Folder 1
   ---Folder 2
   ---Folder 3

When deploying for the 1st time these folders are empty but the folder structure is mandatory let’s say because I’m using a file manager like elFinder.Net that expects that these folders exist on the server. Why? Because the ASP.NET MVC app has links pointing to these folders in some views. The folders should be ready to store files when the app is released. What also comes to my mind is the case where we need an existing Downloads/Uploads folder.

What’s more? We also want all this to happen while using Publish Web command from within Visual Studio and still keeping the option Remove additional files at destination checked:

spacer Figure 1 - Visual Studio Publish Web with File Publish Options => Remove additional files at destination

This setting is nice because when you update jQuery NuGet package for example (jquery-2.1.1.js) it will send the new files to IIS server and will remove the old version (jquery-2.1.0.js) that exists there. This is really important so that the app keeps working as expected and don’t load the wrong version/duplicate files. If we don’t check that option we have to go to the server and delete the old files manually. What a cumbersome and error prone task!

What to do in this case where we want the deployment task do the work “automagically” for us with no human intervention? It’s seems like a lot of requirements and a task not so simple as “it appears to be”… Yep, it requires a little bit of MsDeploy codez.

Here’s what is working for me at the moment after finding some code pieces from here and there:

Given a  publish profile named Local.pubxml that sits here:

Let’s add the code blocks necessary to make all the requirements come to life:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This file is used by the publish/package process of your Web project. You can customize the behavior of this process
by editing this MSBuild file. In order to learn more about this please visit go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=208121. 
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
    <LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>
    <SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />
    <RemoteSitePhysicalPath />
<MSDeployPublishMethod>WMSVC</MSDeployPublishMethod> <AllowUntrustedCertificate>True</AllowUntrustedCertificate>
<EnableMSDeployBackup>False</EnableMSDeployBackup> <UserName /> <_SavePWD>False</_SavePWD> <LaunchSiteAfterPublish>True</LaunchSiteAfterPublish> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup> <UseMsDeployExe>true</UseMsDeployExe> </PropertyGroup> <Target Name="CreateEmptyFolders"> <Message Text="Adding empty folders to Files" /> <MakeDir Directories="$(_MSDeployDirPath_FullPath)\Files\Folder 1" /> <MakeDir Directories="$(_MSDeployDirPath_FullPath)\Files\Folder 2" /> <MakeDir Directories="$(_MSDeployDirPath_FullPath)\Files\Folder 3\Test"/> </Target> <Target Name="AddCustomSkipRules" DependsOnTargets="CreateEmptyFolders"> <Message Text="Adding Custom Skip Rules" /> <ItemGroup
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